Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Nonlinear Problems(Date:2010/01/14)



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[Paper #]
Estimation of connectivity of nonlinear dynamical systems by partial correlation analysis

Kaori KURODA,  Atsushi UCHIDA,  Tohru IKEGUCHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-140
Global Optimization Method for a Multimodal Objective Function Whose Local Minimal Values have Almost Unimodal Sequence

Hideo KANEMITSU,  Hideaki KONNO,  Mineichi KUDO,  Masaaki MIYAKOSHI,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-141
Effects of non-ideality to paralleled chaotic spike encoding

Tohru NISHIGAMI,  Hiroyuki TORIKAI,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-142
The application of the spatial prisoner's dilemma game to the problem of collusive bidding

Tetsushi OHDAIRA,  Takao TERANO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-143
Finding All Solutions of Piecewise-Linear Circuits Using GLPK

Naoya TAMURA,  Yusuke KANEKO,  Kiyotaka YAMAMURA,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-144
Lipschitz Continuous Ordinary Differential Equations are Polynomial-Space Complete

Akitoshi Kawamura,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-145
Chaotic Behaviors of Duffing Oscillator Driven by Relaxation Oscillator

Naoya NUNOME,  Takuya NAKAI,  Takaya MIYANO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-146
Excitation and Manipulation of Intrinsic Localized Modes in Coupled Cantilever Array with Tunable Nonlinearity

Masayuki KIMURA,  Takashi HIKIHARA,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-147
A Forced Chaos Generator with a Variable Active Inductor Circuit : Influences of the External Forcing Input

Yusuke TSUBAKI,  Munehisa SEKIKAWA,  Yosihiko HORIO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-148
On search characteristics of an ant colony optimizer-paralleled by an improved adaptive resonance theory

Hiroshi KOSHIMIZU,  Toshimichi SAITO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-149
Sorter-based Sigma-Delta Domain Exponential and Logarithm Circuits

Hisato FUJISAKA,  Takeshi KAMIO,  Chang-Jun AHN,  Kazuhisa HAEIWA,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-150
A Pulse-Modulation CMOS Circuit Implementation of Chaotic Dynamical Systems Coupled by Thresholding Operation

Kazuki IFUKU,  Daisuke ATUTI,  Takashi MORIE,  Yoshihiko HORIO,  Kazuyuki AIHARA,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-151
Analysis of D/A converters based on Spiking Neurons

Masao TAKIGUCHI,  Toshimichi SAITO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-152
Analysis of a Switched Dynamical System based on Photovoltaic Systems

Daisuke Kimura,  Toshimichi Saito,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-153
Design of a periodic force for eliminating a traveling pulse in a one-dimensional piecewise-linear FHN model

Tsuyoshi SHIMIZU,  Keiji KONISHI,  Hideki KOKAME,  Naoyuki HARA,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-154
Suppression of epileptiform discharges by the desynchronization of neuronal firing.

Ayumi HASHIMOTO,  Kiyohisa NATSUME,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-155
Switching Control of DC-AC Inverters based on PSO with Multi-objective Function

Katsuma ONO,  Toshimichi SAITO,  Kenya JIN'NO,  

[Paper #]NLP2009-156


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