Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Nonlinear Problems(Date:2001/11/22)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Response of coupled chaotic circuits to sinusoidal input signal

Tomoya HAYASHI,  Yoshifumi NISHIO,  Martin HASLER,  Akio USHIDA,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-67
Bifurcation Structure of the Duck Solution Driven by Weak Periodic

Isao HISHINUMA,  Naohiko INABA,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-68
An Optimization Method for Quadratic Assignment Problems by Chaotic Dynamics and its Characterization by Lyapunov Dimensions

K. Sato,  T. Ikeguchi,  M. Hasegawa,  K. Aihara,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-69
Analisis of Two Oscillators Coupled with Nonlinear Inductors.

Yuji KATSUTA,  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-70
Properties of coupled oscillators for strong nonlinearity

Tetsuro ENDO,  Yuhki ARUGA,  Akio HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-71
Revealing the Trick of Taming Chaos by Weak Harmonic Perturbations : The format of Technical Report of IEICE

Naohiko INABA,  Munehisa SEKIKAWA,  Tetsuro ENDO,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-72
An Analysis of Network Traffic using Surrogate Data


[Paper #]NLP2001-73
Analysis of Nonlinear Algeraic Equations Using SPICE : Solving the Bifurcation Points and Disjoint Branches

Ikkei KINOUCHI,  Kouji TAKATA,  Yoshihiro YAMAGAMI,  Yoshihumi NISHIO,  Akio USHIDA,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-74
On Coupled System of Chaotic Spiking Oscillators

Hidehiro NAKANO,  Toshimichi SAITO,  

[Paper #]NLP2001-75


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