Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2019/09/06)

[Invited Talk] Hadamard-type Matrices on Finite Fields and Some Open Problems

Tetsuya Kojima(NIT, Tokyo College),  

[Paper #]IT2019-31
Encoding Algorithm of Binary and Non-binary Irregular LDPC Codes via Block Triangular Matrices with Low Weight Diagonal Submatrices

Yuta Iketoh(Yamaguchi Univ),  Takayuki Nozaki(Yamaguchi Univ),  

[Paper #]IT2019-26
Application of quantum Pinsker inequality

Osamu Hirota(Tamagawa Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-30
A Study on Variable-to-Fixed Length Coding of General Sources

Shigeaki Kuzuoka(Wakayama Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-29
Performance Evaluation of Joint Source and Channel Coding with QC-LDPC Code

Seiya Kuwamura(Gifu Univ.),  Shan lu(Gifu Univ.),  Hiroshi Kamabe(Gifu Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-27
The Recovery of (0,1)-Vector Based on Deep Neural Network

Lantian Wei(Gifu Univ.),  Shan Lu(Gifu Univ.),  Hiroshi Kamabe(Gifu Univ.),  

[Paper #]IT2019-28