Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2018/12/05)

Music preferences of adolescents with cochlear implants

Mizuki Ito(TCU),  Tohru Mashiko(JCSW),  Takuo Suginaka(OJC),  Yusuke Saito(DBU),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-39
Comparison Between Subtitles and Closed Captions for the Hard-of-Hearing for the Same Movie

Takahiro Fukushima(Otemon Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-40
Development of Support System for Total Knee Arthroplasty

Akie Tamaki(SIT),  Takashi Handa(SAITEC),  Yukari Kitou(Arthro),  Akihiko Hanafusa(SIT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-36
Strategic analysis of a urgent message reading of deaf people in key-flamed sign language movie.

Shinada Sayaka(SIT),  Yonemura Shunichi(SIT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-41
Usability evaluation of dental interview scenario writing system by dental doctors.

Natsuki Koshikawa(SIT),  Shunichi Yonemura(SIT),  Tamotsu Uehara(Nihon Univ.),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-37
Motion Analysis of Visual Line in Eye-Gaze-Based Character Input Process using an Onscreen Keyboard

Kana Kato(Niigata Univ.),  Tyohiko Hayashi(Niigata Univ.),  Shigehito Tanahashi(Niigata Univ.),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-43
Investigation of information accessibility support method for hearing impaired using multiple speech recognition software in small group conference

Masayoshi Bando(SIT),  Shunichi Yonemura(SIT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-42
Effect of standing versus sitting posture for a foot plantar sensitivity to lateral skin stretch

Yoshihiro Nomura(Univ. of Tsukuba/AIST),  Manabu Chikai(AIST),  Kouki Doi(NISE),  Kiyohiko Nunokawa(TIU/Univ. of Tsukuba),  Noriyo Takahashi(Tokuyukai Rehabilitation Clinic),  Shuichi Ino(AIST/Univ. of Tsukuba),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-38
Preliminary study on line drawing aid with Lensen Drawing Kit for the visually impaired

Yilin Li(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Hotaka Takizawa(Univ. of Tsukuba),  Makoto Kobayashi(Tsukuba University of Technology),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-44
A Method To Print Braille in 3D Printing

Madoka Nishimura(TUCSS),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-45
Tactile communicator using foot interaction for deaf-blindness

Takuya Nakamura(SIT),  Shunichi Yonemura(SIT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-46
Basic study of support system to promote Park Debut for novice Mama

Yuki Ooe(SIT),  Shunichi Yonemura(SIT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-48
Detection of Tactile Paving Using Deep Learning

Tadahiro Oyama(KCCT),  

[Paper #]WIT2018-47