Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2012/05/18)



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A consideration on characteristics of Huffman codes for binary memoryless sources

Takahiro YOSHIDA,  Hajime JINUSHI,  

[Paper #]IT2012-1
On the relationship between the redundancy and the coding rate of FF codes

Mitsuharu ARIMURA,  Hiroki KOGA,  Ken-ichi IWATA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-2
On the Heegard-Berger Coding Problem Under Logarithmic Distortion Measure

Shigeaki KUZUOKA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-3
Biomedical Informatics R&D Center : Application of Informatics and Systems Engineering to Metabolic Systems

Hiroyuki KURATA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-4
Analysis on Accumulate Distribution on Minimum Cut Weight of Weighted Random Graphs

Yuki FUJII,  Tadashi WADAYAMA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-5
Broadcast Channels with Confidential Messages by Randomness Constrained Stochastic Encoder

Shun WATANABE,  Yasutada OOHAMA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-6
A Secret Sharing Scheme Based on a Two-Dementional Code with Decodability by Mobile Phones

Shuntaro HONJO,  Hiroki KOGA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-7
Rational Secret Sharing for Non-Simultaneous Channels

Akinori KAWACHI,  Yoshio OKAMOTO,  Keisuke TANAKA,  Kenji YASUNAGA,  

[Paper #]IT2012-8


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Notice for Photocopying


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