Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2011/03/04)



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Performance Improvement Using Information Filtering of the Positioning System Using Address Information on Web and Spot Information in Cityscape

Arata YUGE,  Tomotaka NAGAOSA,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-70
A Study on Performance Improvement of Wireless LAN Positioning System using Bluetooth

Yusuke Tamura,  Tomotaka Nagaosa,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-71
Traffic Sign Detection and Tracking Based on Shape and Color Information

Yanlei GU,  Tomohiro YENDO,  Mehrdad PANAHPOUR TEHRANI,  Toshiaki FUJII,  Masayuki TANIMOTO,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-72
Accurate Map Generation Method by using a Standard GPS and an In-vehicle Camera : Basic concept and Feasibility study

Yoshiko KOJIMA,  Jun-ichi MEGURO,  Noriyoshi SUZUKI,  Eiji TERAMOTO,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-73
On Improvement of Image Processing for M-CubITS using Interlocking Blocks

Yuichi YOSHIDA,  Takaaki HASEGAWA,  Koji KAWAMATA,  Yasuo KITAMOTO,  Yasuo WADA,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-74
Estimation of Driver's Drowsiness Level Considering Stage Change of Arousal Decline

Akihiro Imai,  Koji OGURI,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-75
A System Which Forecasts the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Pedestrians : On Feasibility Study

Mikio SASAKI,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-76
Behavior Understandings by Postures and Trajectories in Railway Station

Kaichi FUJIMURA,  Shunsuke KAMIJO,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-77
Development and Evaluation of a Scheme for Detecting Multiple Approaching Vehicles through Acoustic Sensing

Kensaku ASAHI,  Hideki BANNO,  Osami YAMAMOTO,  Akira OGAWA,  Keiichi YAMADA,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-78
A study on vehicular information acquisition of VII infrastructure

Taison TANAKA,  Takashi MORIMOTO,  Yusuke TAKATORI,  Hiroyuki YASHIMA,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-79
On Effect of Infrastructure Deployment in the Multi-Class Zone ITS Communication System

Tatsuya YOKOYAMA,  Takaaki HASEGAWA,  Toshimasa ASO,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-80
Confirmation of Requirements for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication and Ranging System

Kiyoshi MIZUI,  

[Paper #]ITS2010-81


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