Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2008/02/11)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A Frame Work for Generating Various Artistic Images Based on Hierarchical Poisson Disk Sampling

Junichi SUGITA,  Yoshinori SHIMAKAGE,  Yuri TAKUSARI,  Tokiichiro TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-36,IE2007-219
An Automatic Roofing Method from Shapes of Complex Shaped Houses

Tomohiro TANIMURA,  Dai KATSUMURA,  Tokiichiro TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-37,IE2007-220
A 3D Motion Generation Technique from Sketched Motion Lines

Tomoaki MORIYA,  Tokiichiro TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-38,IE2007-221
Image Mosaicing Method with EM Algorithm Allowing Moving Objects

Takeaki IIYOSHI,  Wataru MITSUHASHI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-39,IE2007-222
A study on H.264/AVC encoder design based on spatio-temporal visual sensitivity

Yukihiro BANDOH,  Kazuya HAYASE,  Seishi TAKAMURA,  Kazuto KAMIKURA,  Yoshiyuki YASHIMA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-40,IE2007-223
Development of a driving simulator utilizing human physiological responses

Jun ANDO,  Naoyuki MATSUZAKI,  Hiroaki SHIGEMASU,  Michiteru KITAZAKI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-41,IE2007-224
Influence of observer postures on perception of an object's slant and its age-related changes

Rika KANEKO,  Hirohiko KANEKO,  Noboru SONEHARA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-42,IE2007-225
A Microcomputer Model of Photo-Transduction in Retinal Rods

Masanori Kojima,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-43,IE2007-226
A note on music extraction based on similarity of melody line


[Paper #]ITS2007-44,IE2007-227
A note on definition of scene dissimilarities utilizing audio and visual signals for video retrieval


[Paper #]ITS2007-45,IE2007-228
A note on scene segmentation based on video structure : An approach by combination of audio and visual processing


[Paper #]ITS2007-46,IE2007-229
A note on semantic feature estimation method of still images using kernel PCA : An approach for similar image retrieval based on semantic concepts

Takahiro OGAWA,  Miki HASEYAMA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-47,IE2007-230
Development of A Real Time Renderer for Cyberscapes of 'Edo'

Benua Tomoaki YASU,  Tokiichiro TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-48,IE2007-231
The Influence of Screen-Size and Perceptual Depth on Emotional Effect

Sumei GUO,  Hisashi OGURO,  Naoya SUZUKI,  Yoshifumi TAKAHASHI,  Mie SATO,  Miyoshi AYAMA,  Masao KASUGA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-49,IE2007-232
A Method for Estimating Camera Parameters Using IR Markers and 2D Color Histogram

Hideki MITSUMINE,  Yuko YAMANOUCHI,  Takashi FUKAYA,  Hidehiko OKUBO,  Seiki INOUE,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-50,IE2007-233
A new image coding method using DCT coefficients based on geometrical features and interested area

Taro SAITO,  Masashi KAMEDA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-51,IE2007-234
DCT sign based image distance and its relation with DCT sign correlation

Izumi ITO,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-52,IE2007-235
Theory of the Optimum Running Discrete Approximation of Band-Limited Signals and a Consideration of the Existence of Supreme Signal

Yuichi KIDA,  Takuro KIDA,  

[Paper #]ITS2007-53,IE2007-236
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