Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:2003/09/10)



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Large Deviation for Binary Sequences Generated by Nonlinear Maps and Threshold Functions

Yasutada OOHAMA,  Tohru KOHDA,  

[Paper #]IT2003-41
An Outer Bound of the Capacity Region for Identification via Broadcast Channels

Yasutada OOHAMA,  

[Paper #]IT2003-42
A Set of Quaternary Sequences with Good Correlation Obtained from Modified Binary Gold Sequences

Tsutomu MORIUCHl,  Satoshi UEHARA,  Kyoki IMAMURA,  

[Paper #]IT2003-43
Code Acquisition of Markovian SS codes in a chip-synchronous DS/CDMA system

Yutaka JITSUMATSU,  Nobuoki ESHIMA,  Tohru KOHDA,  

[Paper #]IT2003-44
A Study on MMSE and MMSE-DFE equalization methods for Suehiro's CDMA system

Nalin S. Weerasinghe,  Takeshi HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]IT2003-45
On MMSE DFE for MIMO ChanneIs

Takeshi Hashimoto,  

[Paper #]IT2003-46
An Algorithm for Computing the Local Distance Profile of Binary Linear Codes Closed under a Group of Permutations


[Paper #]IT2003-47
A Probabilistic Method for Computing the Minimum Distance of Binary (n, k) Cyclic Codes

Roji HASUl,  Masami MOHRI,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]IT2003-48
On Independent Sets for Cyclic Codes with the Shift Bound Strictly Larger than the Hartmann-Tzeng Bound

Takayasu KAIDA,  Junru ZHENG,  

[Paper #]IT2003-49
A Lossy Compression Algorithm using an LDPC Code for Binary iid Sources

Tadashi WADAYAMA,  

[Paper #]IT2003-50


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