Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:1998/05/16)



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[Paper #]
New Binary Block Codes Which Compose a Regular Hyperpolyhedron in 16 Dimensional Signal Space

Takahiro HAYASHI,  Naoki SUEHIRO,  

[Paper #]
Expansion of Modulation for Modulatable Orthogonal Sequences

Hideyuki TORII,  Naoki SUEHIRO,  

[Paper #]
Bit Error and Burst Error in 2-State Soft Decision Viterbi Decoding

Yukio HAYASHI,  Hideki YOSHIKAWA,  Ikuo OKA,  Chikato FUJIWARA,  Yoshimasa DAIDO,  

[Paper #]
On the Undetected Error Probability of Binary Expansions of Low-Rate 2^m-ary Cyclic Codes

Ritsuko IWASA,  Katsumi SAKAKIBARA,  Yoshiharu YUBA,  

[Paper #]
Throughput Analysis of Selective-Repeat ARQ Schemes with Finite Receiver Buffer on Gilbert Channels

Makoto KINOSHITA,  Katsumi SAKAKIBARA,  Yoshiharu YUBA,  

[Paper #]
On the Stability of Slotted ALOHA Systems with Limited Retransmission Trials

Hiroyuki MUTA,  Katsumi SAKAKIBARA,  Yoshiharu YUBA,  

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