Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Information Theory(Date:1996/10/18)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A probabilistic algorithm for computing minimum distance of cyclic codes

Masami MOHRI,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]IT96-34
Generator Matrices, Minimum Distances and Designed Distances of Codes from Fermat Surfaces

Fujisawa Masaya,  Mizuno Hirobumi,  Sakata Shojiro,  

[Paper #]IT96-35
Data Compression for Arbitrary Cost of Code Symbol

Ken-ichi IWATA,  Masakatu MORII,  Tomohiko UYEMATSU,  

[Paper #]IT96-36
On the Relation between the Sequence of Subspaces and the Feng-Rao Designed Minimum Distance for Geometric Goppa Codes

Daisuke UMEHARA,  Kohichi SAKANIWA,  Tomohiko UYEMATSU,  

[Paper #]IT96-37
Some Results on Three-level BCH Coded 8-PSK Modulations for Unequal Error Protection

Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza,  Hideki Imai,  Marc P.C. Fossorier,  Shu Lin,  

[Paper #]IT96-38
On The Probability of Undetected Error Binary Linear Concatenated Codes with Varying Inner Codes

Rie MAEDA,  Toshihisa NISHIJIMA,  Yoshinobu ARAYA,  

[Paper #]IT96-39
On Latent Capabilities of Reddy & Robinson Decoding Algorithm for Two Dimensional Linear Block Codes

Takashi SASAKI,  Toshihisa NISHIJIMA,  Toshiyuki KOHNOSU,  

[Paper #]IT96-40
Exponential Error Bounds Universally Attained by Generalized Concatenated Codes

Takehiro WADA,  Tomohiko UYEMATSU,  Eiji OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]IT96-41
An Explicit Construction of Universal Concatenated Codes for Discrete Memoryless Channels

Tomohiko UYEMATS,  

[Paper #]IT96-42
Attaining Forney's Error Exponent with Convolutional Codes

Takeshi Hashimoto,  

[Paper #]IT96-43


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