Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Engineering Acoustics(Date:2021/07/15)

Implementation details of interactive and real-time tools for sound visualization and processing using MATLAB

Hideki Kawahara(Wakayama Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-1
A study of a small directional loud-speaker array that combines a horn loud-speaker and ordinary loud-speakers

Manabu Okamoto(Sojo Univ.),  Ryotaro Sato(NTT),  Kenta Niwa(NTT),  Kazunori Kobayashi(NTT),  

[Paper #]EA2021-4
Practical considerations on resampling and sampling rate conversion in audio media processing

Hideki Kawahara(Wakayama Univ.),  Shigeaki Amano(Aichi Shukutoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-2
Acoustic characteristics of a face mask invented for the purpose of not impairing speech clarity

Hiroki Matsuzaki(HUS),  

[Paper #]EA2021-10
A production note of a hand-made vocal cords model

Naofumi Aoki(Hokkaido Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-11
Beam Control Based on Multi-phased Array for Parametric Array Loudspeaker

Yuting Geng(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Haonan Wang(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  Masato Nakayama(Osaka Sangyo Univ.),  Takanobu Nishiura(Ritsumeikan Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-5
Substitution effect of frequency conversion method for filtered-x LMS algorithm applied to active sinusoidal noise control

Kensaku Fujii(Kodaway Lab.),  Mitsuji Muneyasu(Kansai Univ.),  Yoshifumi Chisaki(CIT),  

[Paper #]EA2021-3


[Paper #]EA2021-8
Effect of visual presence of VR avatar on verbal identification performance in environmental noise

(*),  (*),  (*),  (*),  (*),  

[Paper #]EA2021-6
Relationship between chin rest and acoustic characteristics in violin performance


[Paper #]EA2021-7


[Paper #]EA2021-9
Sound event detection based on complementary-label learning

Keigo Wakayama(NTT),  Shoichiro Saito(NTT),  

[Paper #]EA2021-17
A feature selection method for a decision tree based audio event detection

Shin Murata(NTT),  Shoichiro Saito(NTT),  Kazunori Kobayashi(NTT),  

[Paper #]EA2021-18
Inverse esitimaion of shapes of vocal-tract models with cascading two acoustic tubes from sound spectrogram using CNN

Takuya Chiba(Hokkaido Univ of Science),  Hiroki Matsuzaki(Hokkaido Univ of Science),  Naofumi Wada(Hokkaido Univ of Science),  Megumi Takezawa(Hokkaido Univ of Science),  Hirofumi Sanada(Hokkaido Univ of Science),  

[Paper #]EA2021-19
A study on the online speech data collection for speech synthesis

Yuya Hoshiko(Hokkaido Univ.),  Naofumi Aoki(Hokkaido Univ.),  Kosei Ozeki(Hokkaido Univ.),  Yoshinori Dobashi(Hokkaido Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-15
A Singing Pitch Display System on an Electronic Keyboard

Ayato Kurokawa(NIT, Kushiro College),  Orie Doeda(NIT, Kushiro College),  Masanao Yamada(NIT, Kushiro College),  

[Paper #]EA2021-12
A study on the number of speech samples required for making acoustic models in tailor-made speech synthesis

Keigo Narita(Hokkaido Univ.),  Naofumi Aoki(Hokkaido Univ.),  Atsuhito Udo(Hokkaido Univ.),  Yoshinori Dobashi(Hokkaido Univ.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-16
The Various Uses of SuperCollider

Yota Morimoto(coton co.),  

[Paper #]EA2021-13
Human factors evaluation of speech rate modification

(*),  (*),  

[Paper #]EA2021-14