Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Engineering Acoustics(Date:2011/07/08)



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Vibroacoustic analysis with the Finite-Difference Time-Domain method

Masahiro TOYODA,  Daiji TAKAHASHI,  Yasuhito KAWAI,  

[Paper #]EA2011-43
Feedforward active control at a distance in large space

Motoki YAIRI,  Takashi KOGA,  Atsuo MINEMURA,  

[Paper #]EA2011-44
Direct algebraic method for instantaneous source localization from circular array and its experimental evaluation

Shigeru ANDO,  

[Paper #]EA2011-45
Instrumental signal separation based on non-negative matrix factorization with target signal information

Kosuke YAGI,  Hiroshi SARUWATARI,  Kiyohiro SHIKANO,  Kazunobu KONDO,  Yu TAKAHASHI,  

[Paper #]EA2011-46
Study on blind estimation of Speech Transmission Index in room acoustics based on the MTF concept

Masashi UNOKI,  Tomohiro IKEDA,  Ryota MIYAUCHI,  Masato AKAGI,  

[Paper #]EA2011-47
Modified-Error Filtered-x Algorithm Employing Linear Prediction Filter

Shinya OKUNO,  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  

[Paper #]EA2011-48
The three-dimensional sound field reproduction system based on the boundary surface control principle and the determination of the regularization parameter on designing of the inverse filter

Yoko LEE,  Shiro ISE,  

[Paper #]EA2011-49


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Notice for Photocopying


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