Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Engineering Acoustics(Date:1999/11/18)



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[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Active Noise Control Using Higher Order Correlation Between Input and System Error (Fundamental Consideration)

Noboru NAKASAKO,  Katsuhiko MINAMIO,  

[Paper #]EA99-65
The Short Time Spectra Analysis System using Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm

Toshitaka Umemoto,  

[Paper #]EA99-66
Estimation of sound direction using three-dimensionally spaced microphone array : Estimation by means of Genetic algorithm

Kazaharu KUROIWA,  Syunji TAHARA,  Osamu HOSHINO,  

[Paper #]EA99-67
A Neuronal Network Model for Human Echolocation

Osamu Hoshino,  Shunji Tahara,  Kazuharu Kuroiwa,  

[Paper #]EA99-68
Time domain Implementation of Sphere-Baffled microphone array sytem designed in frequency domain

Kazuhiko KAWAHARA,  Megumi UCHINO,  Kimitoshi FUKUDOME,  

[Paper #]EA99-69
A study on the indivualized head related transfer function using genetic algorithm

Seiji TANAKA,  Toshimitsu SUETSUGU,  Kimitoshi FUKUDOME,  

[Paper #]EA99-70
A Method of Blind Separation in Frequency Domain

Mitsuru KAWAMMOTO,  Kiyotoshi MATSUOKA,  Noboru OHNISHI,  

[Paper #]EA99-71
A Fundamental Study on Monosyllable Articulation Score in the Presence of Meaningless Noise by Use of Fuzzy Number

Takahiro TAMESUE,  Shizuma YAMAGUCHI,  Tetsuro SAEKI,  

[Paper #]EA99-72


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