Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Engineering Acoustics(Date:1998/07/31)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Perception of a tonal stimulus at frequency higher than audible frequency due to intermodulation distortions of loud speakers

Kaoru ASHIHARA,  Shogo KIRYU,  

[Paper #]EA98-30
Study on the distance control parameters of sound-images by two-dimensional loudspeaker array

Satoru Koizumi,  Yasushige Nakayama,  Setsu Komiyama,  Takashi Nishi,  Tetsuo Umeda,  

[Paper #]EA98-31
Duct Acoustics : Flow of Acoustic Energy in Duct

Kazuhiro KUNO,  Yohzoh OKUMURA,  

[Paper #]EA98-32
Physical Modeling of Air-Jet Driven Instruments

Seiji ADACHI,  

[Paper #]EA98-33
A computer-controlled violin bowing machine

Masafumi Matsumura,  Tsuyoshi Nakano,  Kazuyoshi Nishihara,  Masaki Yoshida,  

[Paper #]EA98-34
Extraction of fundamental frequencies from mixed tone

Tamotsu Shirado,  

[Paper #]EA98-35


[Paper #]