Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:2008/01/24)



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[Paper #]
Compilation Procedure of PLIB Dictionary for Constructing Product Database Dedicatedly for Mechanical Element of 'Chain'

Cong YAN,  Saburo TANATSUGU,  Isao SHIRAKAWA,  Hiroshi NINOMIYA,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-84
Enhancing Algorithms for the Graph Coloring Problem

Shinji OKADA,  Satoshi TAOKA,  Toshimasa WATANABE,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-85
The constitution method of planar graphs existing between hierarchy structure for n/k-colorings

Yuya IGUCHI,  Masakazu SHOJI,  Akihiro UEJIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-86
Balanced C_3-Tenfoil Decomposition Algorithm of Complete Multi-Graphs

Kazuhiko USHIO,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-87
Design Method FIR Filters Discrete Coefficients for Reduction of Nonzero Digits

Yuichi OZAKI,  Kenji SUYAMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-88
A Chebyshev Approximation Design of Stable IIR Filters Based on Positive Realness

Takayuki YAMAZAKI,  Kenji SUYAMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-89
A Design of Lowpass Filter with Attenuation Poles using Parallel Connected Commensurate Transmission Line Lowpass Sections

Tsukasa IKEDA,  Toshikazu SEKINE,  Yasuhiro TAKAHASHI,  Kunikatsu KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-90
On an Attenuation Characteristic Approximation of Commensurate Transmission-Line Filters by a Class of Rational Functions

Hideaki FUJIMOTO,  Kazuhiko USHIO,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-91
A Study on Quasi-Passband for Modulated Superlattices by Applying Circuit Theory

Kunihiko ASAKURA,  Osamu OGURISU,  Hirofumi SANADA,  Masakiyo SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-92
Efficient Classification for Gaussian Mixture Models with Interval Calculation

Shogo MURAMATSU,  Tsutomu WATANABE,  Hidenori WATANABE,  

[Paper #]CAS2007-93


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