Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:2007/02/27)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
On Formulating the Watermark Detection Problem Based on Bayesian Estimation


[Paper #]CAS2006-92,SIP2006-193,CS2006-109
Visual Quality Evaluation for MPEG Video Scrambling

Yousuke TOYOTA,  Koichi TAKAGI,  Masaru SUGANO,  Satoshi MIYAJI,  Yasuhiro TAKISHIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-93,SIP2006-194,CS2006-110
Image Coding by Curved Wavelet Transform using Lifting

Yasuhiro ISHIGAMI,  Masaaki IKEHARA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-94,SIP2006-195,CS2006-111
Cost Optimization Using Tabu Search in Hardware Design of Arbitrary Functions

Koji KOTANI,  Takao SASAKI,  Hisamichi TOYOSHIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-95,SIP2006-196,CS2006-112
A Research on Fast of Analytical Placement

Naoto FUNATSU,  Takumi KURAHARA,  Yasuhiro TAKASHIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-96,SIP2006-197,CS2006-113
Computation reduction in linear transform circuit synthesis using genetic algorithm

Mai SUZUKI,  Takao SASAKI,  Hisamichi TOYOSHIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-97,SIP2006-198,CS2006-114
A Study on Thermal Conduction and Distribution in SiC-SBD Package

Tsuyoshi FUNAKI,  Akira NISHIO,  Takashi HIKIHARA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-98,SIP2006-199,CS2006-115
The Co-operated Verification System using FPGA Emulator and MATLAB

Tomoyoshi KOBORI,  Katsutoshi SEKI,  James OKELLO,  Masao IKEKAWA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-99,SIP2006-200,CS2006-116
An Educational Verification System for processors by FPGA

Yuichi NAKAMURA,  Chiaki Arao,  Kouhei Hosokawa,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-100,SIP2006-201,CS2006-117
Architecture of the Wireless Home Network using the Coaxial Cable

Hiroshi SHIOTA,  Akihiro OTAKA,  Hiroshi ISHI,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-101,SIP2006-202,CS2006-118
Construction and Verification of Secure IPv6 Remote Control System with Small Embedded Devices

Syuhei Kawano,  Takeshi Fujino,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-102,SIP2006-203,CS2006-119
The proposal and implementation of Single Sign On System on secure network by PKI mutual recognition using USE token

Yoshikazu UMEMOTO,  Takeshi FUJINO,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-103,SIP2006-204,CS2006-120
A Study on GA based generation of the technical patterns in financial markets

Junichi ENDOU,  Takao SASAKI,  Hisamichi TOYOSHIMA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-104,SIP2006-205,CS2006-121
Low Bit Error Rate Data Transmission through Acoustic Channel using Data Hiding Technique

Kohei YAMADA,  Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-105,SIP2006-206,CS2006-122
Blind source separation of adaptive ALS algorithm with matrix inversion lemma

Shinya SAITO,  Kunio OISHI,  Hajime KUBOTA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-106,SIP2006-207,CS2006-123
Application of Self-Organizing Map in Plethysmogram Analysis : Consideration of Learning Conditions

Shinya URASE,  Nobuaki NOUSOU,  Yoshio MANIWA,  Kikuo FUJIMURA,  Isao NAKANISHI,  Yutaka FUKUI,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-107,SIP2006-208,CS2006-124
Fast and Stabilized Adaptive Lowpass Filters

Hidenari KIM,  Eiji WATANBE,  Akinori HISHIHARA,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-108,SIP2006-209,CS2006-125
Speech Noise Reduction Based on Frequency Domain ALE : Adaptive Control of Frequency Domain Decorrelation Parameters

Kenichiro OGAWA,  Isao NAKANISHI,  Yuudai NAGATA,  Yoshio ITOH,  Yutaka FUKUI,  

[Paper #]CAS2006-109,SIP2006-210,CS2006-126
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