Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Circuits and Systems(Date:1997/03/06)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
A proposal of Smart MUSIC Algorithm

Fumie TAGA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-89,DSP96-140,CS96-145
Tracking of the Direction of Arrival Using 2-D Sectrum Estimation by 2-D Adaptive AR Model

Ryo TAMAKI,  Takayuki NAKACHI,  Nozomu HAMADA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-90,DSP96-141,CS96-146
Restoration of Images Blurred by Zero Phase System Using Projection and Third Order Statistics

Takanori ISHIDA,  Nozomu HAMADA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-91,DSP96-142,CS96-147
A JPEG/MPEG-Compatible Subband Coding System

Shogo MURAMATSU,  Akihiko YAMADA,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-92,DSP96-143,CS96-148
The Image Resolution Conversions in DCT-domain and Their Generalizations

Xiaoxia ZOU,  Hitoshi KIYA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-93,DSP96-144,CS96-149
A Design Method of Nonlinear Inverse System with Subband Structure

Hitoshi KITAGAWA,  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-94,DSP96-145,CS96-150
A Formulation of the Convergence Property for the Second-Order AVF Using NLMS Algorithm

Yuri TAKAHAMA,  Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-95,DSP96-146,CS96-151
The Summational Projection Algorithm Using Block Length Control

Yoshinobu KAJIKAWA,  Yasuo NOMURA,  

[Paper #]CAS96-96,DSP96-147,CS96-152
A study on the Recursive LMS Algorithm using the variable step size

Yasufumi YAMAGAMI,  Yoshio IT0H,  Isao NAKANISHI,  Yutaka FUKUI,  Masaki KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]CAS96-97,DSP96-148,CS96-153
Fast Frequency Acquisition in the PLL Frequency Synthesizer Suppressing the Transient Response of the Second Order System

Yasuaki Sumi,  Shigeki Obote,  Kenta Narai,  Kazutoshi Tsuda,  Kouichi Syoubu,  Yutaka Fukui,  

[Paper #]CAS96-98,DSP96-149,CS96-154
Application of an Equivalent Electrical Circuit Model for Coronary Circulation and its Optimal Control.

H. Hirayama,  T. Hatsune,  K. Katoh,  K. Baba,  Y. Fukuyama,  

[Paper #]CAS96-99,DSP96-150,CS96-155
Electrical Circuit Model of Systemic Circulation Based on the Mechanical Properties of a Single Cardiac Muscle Fiber

H. Hirayama,  T. Kadota,  A. Endoh,  A. Kaneko,  Y. Fukuyama,  

[Paper #]CAS96-100,DSP96-151,CS96-156


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