Electronics-Silicon Devices and Materials(Date:2016/11/10)

[Invited Talk] SISPAD 2016 Review (1)

Kenichiro Sonoda(Renesas Electronics),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-79
[Invited Talk] Channel Properties of SiC Trench-Etched Double-Implanted MOS (TED MOS)

Naoki Tega(Hitachi),  Digh Hisamoto(Hitachi),  Akio Shima(Hitachi),  Yasuhiro Shimamoto(Hitachi),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-80
[Invited Talk] Potential and Prospects of Low-Energy SOI Devices in Sensor Network Era

Yasuhisa Omura(Kansai Univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-81
[Invited Talk] Free carrier density dependent band gap and phonon frequency in germanium

Shoichi Kabuyanagi(The Univ. of Tokyo),  Akira Toriumi(The Univ. of Tokyo),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-82
[Invited Talk] Simulation for Impact of ISFET Structure on Sensitivity

Kazuya Matsuzawa(Toshiba),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-83
Self-Consistent Device Simulation of a-Si p-i-n Solar Cells and Physical Mechanism of Capture and Emission Processes

Azuma Suzuki(Tsukuba Univ.),  Katsuhisa Yoshida(Tokyo Univ.),  Nobuyuki Sano(Tsukuba Univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-89
[Invited Talk] Simulation Studies Contributing to Development of Wide-Bandgap Power Semiconductor Devices

Kazuhiro Mochizuki(AIST),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-85
[Invited Talk] Review of SISPAD 2016 (2)

Yoshinari Kamakura(Osaka Univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-84
[Invited Talk] Detection and Analysis of Single MOS Interface Traps Using the Charge Pumping Method

Toshiaki Tsuchiya(Shimane Univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-86
[Invited Talk] Application of DFT Calculation for the Development of High Quality Si and Ge Substrates

Koji Sueoka(Okayama Pref. Univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-87
Self-Consistent Monte Carlo Device Simulations Under Double-Gate Device Structures

Hajime Sakamoto(Tsukuba univ.),  Yasuaki Rokugo(Tsukuba univ.),  Nobuyuki Sano(Tsukuba univ.),  

[Paper #]SDM2016-88