Electronics-Silicon Devices and Materials(Date:2008/06/02)



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Current Status and Future Prospects of High Mobility Channel Technologies for High Performance CMOS

Shinichi TAKAGI,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-42
Development History of Compound Semiconductor Electron Devices

Yasuo OHNO,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-43
Hole Subband Dispersions in Si Inversion Layers

NISHINO Sakura TAKEDA,  Makoto MORITA,  Takuya OHSUGI,  Yohei TANIGAWA,  Hiroshi DAIMON,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-44
Accurate Evaluation of MOS Inversion Layer Mobility

Akira Toriumi,  Koji Kita,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-45
Inversion-Layer Capacitance and Low-Field Mobility Characteristics in Si (110) pMOSFETs

Masumi SAITOH,  Shigeki KOBAYASHI,  Ken UCHIDA,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-46
Mobility Enhancement in Ultra Thin Body MOSFETs by Quantum Effects


[Paper #]SDM2008-47
Transconductance enhancement of strained-Si nanowire FETs

Aya SEIKE,  Tomoyuki TANGE,  Itsutaku SANO,  Yuuki SUGIURA,  Ikushin TSUCHIDA,  Hiromichi OHTA,  Takanobu WATANABE,  Daisuke KOSEMURA,  Atsushi OGURA,  Iwao OHDOMARI,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-48
Gate Dielectrics Interface Control for III-V MISFET

Tetsuji YASUDA,  Noriyuki MIYATA,  Akihiro OHTAKE,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-49
Backside X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ru/HfSiON Gate Stack : Origin of Charge in Effective Work Function of Ru

Taiki MORI,  Akio OHTA,  Hiromichi YOSHINAGA,  Seiichi MIYAZAKI,  Masaru KADOSHIMA,  Yasuo NARA,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-50
The role of the high-k/SiO_2 interface in the control of the threshold voltage for high-k MOS devices

Kunihiko Iwamoto,  Yuuichi Kamimuta,  Yu Nunoshige,  Akito Hirano,  Arito Ogawa,  Yukimume Watanabe,  Shinji Migita,  Wataru Mizubayashi,  Yukinori Morita,  Masashi Takahashi,  Hiroyuki Ota,  Toshihide Nabatame,  Akira Toriumi,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-51
XPS Study of TiAlN/HfSiON Gate Stack : Reduction of Effective Work Function Change Induced by Al Diffusion

Akio OHTA,  Taiki MORI,  Hiromichi YOSHINAGA,  Seiichi MIYAZAKI,  Masaru KADOSHIMA,  Yasuo NARA,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-52
XPS real-time monitoring on the development of Si suboxides during formation of thermal oxides on Si(110) surface

Yoshihisa YAMAMOTO,  Hideaki TOGASHI,  Atsushi KONNO,  Mitsutaka MATSUMOTO,  Atsushi KATO,  Eiji SAITO,  Maki SUEMITSU,  Yuden TERAOKA,  Akitaka YOSHIGOE,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-53
Fabrication of Pr oxide by MOCVD and evaluation of its electrical properties

Hiroki KONDO,  Shinya SAKURAI,  Akira SAKAI,  Masaki OGAWA,  Shiegaki ZAIMA,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-54
Theoretical Studies on the Charge Trap Mechanism of MONOS-type Memory

Kenji SHIRAISHI,  Kenji KOBAYASHI,  Takeshi ISHIDA,  Yutaka OKUYAMA,  Ren-ichi YAMADA,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-55
Characterization of Metal Nanodots Nonvolatile Memory

Yanli Pei,  Masahiko Nishijima,  Takafumi Fukushima,  Tetsu Tanaka,  Mitsumasa Koyanagi,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-56
Bio-nanodot floating gate memory with High-k films

Kosuke Ohara,  Yukiharu Uraoka,  Takashi Fuyuki,  Ichiro Yamashita,  Toshitake Yaegashi,  Masahiro Moniwa,  Masaki Yoshimaru,  

[Paper #]SDM2008-57


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Notice for Photocopying


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