Electronics-Silicon Devices and Materials(Date:2005/05/19)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Diode type radiation detectors fabricated with thick CdTe/n^+-GaAs grown by MOVPE

Hirofumi Ohnishi,  Kazutaka Eguchi,  Hiroyuki Takahashi,  Kohtaro Noda,  Yasunori Agata,  Madan Niraula,  Kazuhito Yasuda,  

[Paper #]ED2005-16,CPM2005-8,SDM2005-16
Growth properties of thick CdTe layers grown on Si Substrate by MOVPE

Kazutaka Eguchi,  Hirofumi Onishi,  Hiroyuki Takahashi,  Kotaro Noda,  Yasunori Agata,  Madan Niraula,  Kazuhito Yasuda,  

[Paper #]ED2005-17,CPM2005-9,SDM2005-17
Optical properties of exciton porariton in a coupled quantum disk-waveguide structure

Masahito YAMAGUCHI,  Hiroyoshi TANAKA,  Minori YOKOI,  Hidetoshi TAKAGI,  Nobuhiko SAWAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2005-18,CPM2005-10,SDM2005-18
New fabrication process for three-dimensional hetero-structure using amorphous arsenic mask

Takumi YAMADA,  Yosuke NORITAKE,  Masao TABUCHI,  Yoshikazu TAKEDA,  

[Paper #]ED2005-19,CPM2005-11,SDM2005-19
Improvement of size uniformity of InAs dots using InP mesa-structure template substrate

Toru Ujihara,  Yoshihiro Yoshida,  Woo Sik Lee,  Yoshikazu Takeda,  

[Paper #]ED2005-20,CPM2005-12,SDM2005-20
Characterization of amorphous carbon thin film synthesized by nitrogen radical and methane plasma sources

Naoki KAMADA,  Yasuhiko HAYASHI,  Tetsuo SOGA,  Takashi JIMBO,  

[Paper #]ED2005-21,CPM2005-13,SDM2005-21
A proposal and fabrication of a new filter-less fluorescence detection sensor

Yuki MARUYAMA,  Kazuaki SAWADA,  Hidekuni TAKAO,  Makoto ISHIDA,  

[Paper #]ED2005-22,CPM2005-14,SDM2005-22
Preparation of manganese oxide films for Li secondary batteries

Masaaki Isai,  Tomohiro Tatei,  Hiroshi Fujiyasu,  

[Paper #]ED2005-23,CPM2005-15,SDM2005-23
Deposition of ZnO thin films by the photochemical deposition method and their characterization

Masaki AZUMA,  Tetuya MIYAWAKI,  Masaya ICHIMURA,  

[Paper #]ED2005-24,CPM2005-16,SDM2005-24
Substrates dependence of ZnO nanodots formation

Kota OKAMATSU,  Satoshi NAKAGAWA,  Atsushi NAKAMURA,  Toru AOKI,  Jiro TEMMYO,  

[Paper #]ED2005-25,CPM2005-17,SDM2005-25
Growth and optical property of Mg_xZn_<1-x>O alloy films by remote plasma MOCVD

Kenji YAMAMOTO,  Atsushi NAKAMURA,  Junji ISHIHARA,  Toru AOKI,  Jiro TEMMYO,  

[Paper #]ED2005-26,CPM2005-18,SDM2005-26
Recent progress in white LED lighting technologies

Tsunemasa TAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]ED2005-27,CPM2005-19,SDM2005-27
Phosphor for White Light emitting Diode

Tsutomu ODAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2005-28,CPM2005-20,SDM2005-28
Development of White LED and light environment

Tetsuo Endou,  

[Paper #]ED2005-29,CPM2005-21,SDM2005-29
Synthesis of InGaN from metal sulfides and its luminescence properties

Hisashi KANIE,  Shingo KOBAYASHI,  Yuji SEMA,  

[Paper #]ED2005-30,CPM2005-22,SDM2005-30
Rapid thermal annealing of SrS:Cu films for blue EL elements

Masaaki Isai,  Yuuki Inagaki,  Tetsuaki Ichikawa,  Hiroshi Fujiyasu,  

[Paper #]ED2005-31,CPM2005-23,SDM2005-31
Studies toward the Realization of High-Efficiency Quaternary InAlGaN-Based UV-LEDs

Hideki HIRAYAMA,  Tomoaki OHASHI,  Koji ISHIBASHI,  Norihiko KAMATA,  

[Paper #]ED2005-32,CPM2005-24,SDM2005-32
Thermodynamic stability of InAlGaN thin films grown on GaN and InN

Yoshihiro KANGAWA,  Koichi KAKIMOTO,  Tomonori ITO,  Akinori KOUKITU,  

[Paper #]ED2005-33,CPM2005-25,SDM2005-33
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