Electronics-Superconductive Electronics(Date:1998/07/28)



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High Performance SQUID Magnetometer Utilizing Bicrystal Junctions with 30 Degree Misorientation Angles

Keiji Enpuku,  Tadashi Minotani,  Fumio Shiraishi,  Atsushi Kandori,  

[Paper #]SCE98-12
Magnetic Coupling in the Direct Coupling Type SOUID Magnetometer

Emi Maruyama,  Koichi Yokosawa,  Rashdi Shah Ahmad,  Shinya Kuriki,  Daisuke Suzuki,  Masao Koyanagi,  

[Paper #]SCE98-13
Characterization of coplanar stripline dc-SQUID

H. Oyama,  S. Hirano,  M. Matsuda,  D. Suzuki,  M. Koyanagi,  S. Kuriki,  

[Paper #]SCE98-14
Vortex motion in micro-bridges of La_<2-x>Sr_xCuO_4 single crystals

T. Tachiki,  K. Nakajima,  T. Yamashita,  I. Tanaka,  H. Kojima,  

[Paper #]SCE98-15
Investigation of the uniformity of both-side YBCO thin films fabricated by inductive conpled plasma sputtering

Masanobu Kusunoki,  Toshiyuki Suzuki,  Masasi Mukaida,  Shigetoshi Ohshima,  

[Paper #]SCE98-16
Non c-Axis Oriented EuBa_2Cu_3O<7-δ> Thin Films Grown on Al_2O_3(1102) Substrates with CeO_2 Buffer Layers.

Hironori Wakana,  Atsushi Yokosawa,  Shinji Kikuchi,  Osamu Michikami,  

[Paper #]SCE98-17
Orientation control on YBCO thin films deposited of the sapphire substrate with CeO_2 buffer layer fabricated using IBS method

Yousong Jiang,  Takarahito Kuji,  Masataka Moriya,  Koichi Usami,  Tadayuki Kobayashi,  Toshinari Goto,  

[Paper #]SCE98-18
Preparation and characterization of YBa_2Cu_3O_x homoepitaxial films by MOCVD

Nobue TANAKA,  Hideaki ZAMA,  Satoshi KOYAMA,  Tadataka MORISHITA,  Hiroshi YAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]SCE98-19
Single-Flux-Quantum Logic Circuits Based of the Binary Decision Diagram

Noboru ASAHI,  Masamichi AKAZAWA,  Yoshihito AMEMIYA,  

[Paper #]SCE98-20
Design of SFQ Logic Circuits Based on Binary Decision Diagram

Nobuyuki Yoshikawa,  Hiroshi Tago,  

[Paper #]SCE98-21
A Design of Asynchronous Adder Using RSFQ Logic Circuits

H. Tago,  K. Yoneyama,  N. Yoshikawa,  

[Paper #]SCE98-22
Development of a Velocity-Matched Traveling-Wave Type Optical Modulator with Superconducting Electrodes

Tomoo Uchida,  Shido Nishioka,  Keiji Yoshida,  Yutaka Kanda,  Satoshi Kohjiro,  

[Paper #]SCE98-23
Calculation of Josephson Current in Superconducting Junctions by Andreev Reflection Coefficients

Akiyoshi NAKAYAMA,  Hideaki ISHII,  Masatomo NAKANO,  David F. MOORE,  Yoichi OKABE,  

[Paper #]SCE98-24


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