


[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Simulation of performance degradation of Fiber-Optic Current Sensor

Kazuo Hotate,  Yoshiaki Konishi,  

[Paper #]OME2000-115,OPE2000-67
Blue Emissions of Eu-doped Sol-Gel Glasses without Post Processing

K. Tosaka,  C. Satoh,  N. Kamata,  K. Tonooka,  

[Paper #]OME2000-116,OPE2000-68
Causes of mode-hoppings in CW Erbium-doped fiber ring laser

Hajime INABA,  Yoshiaki AKIMOTO,  Tetsuro KOMUKAI,  Masataka NAKAZAWA,  

[Paper #]OME2000-117,OPE2000-69
Design and Development of 1.55 μm Single-Mode Semiconductor Lasers Consisting of Deeply Etched Grooves Buried with Benzocyclobutene

Jorg WIEDMANN,  Mothi Madhan RAJ,  Koji EBIHARA,  Kensuke MATSUI,  Shigeo TAMURA,  Shigehisa ARAI,  

[Paper #]OME2000-118,OPE2000-70
Terahertz demultiplexing by time-to-space conversion using films of squarylium dye J-aggregates

M. Furuki,  Y. Sato,  I. Iwasa,  M. Tian,  L.S. Pu,  S. Tatsuura,  O. Wada,  

[Paper #]OME2000-119,OPE2000-71
Fourier transform THz-wave spectrometer using THz-wave parametric generation

J. Shikata,  K. Kawase,  T. Taniuchi,  H. Ito,  

[Paper #]OME2000-120,OPE2000-72
Determination of Complex Nonlinear Susceptibility of Organic Ultrathin Films

Kotaro KAJIKAWA,  

[Paper #]OME2000-121,OPE2000-73
Giant optical nonlinearity originating in photothermal effects of dye-doped liquid crystals

Hiroshi Ono,  Junich Kikuhara,  Hajime Saeki,  Makoto Yoshida,  Kazuaki Shibata,  

[Paper #]OME2000-122,OPE2000-74
Formation of Components in Polymeric Optical Waveguides by Embossing with Poling Method

Yanlong Che,  Okihiro Sugihara,  Shinya Shibata,  Hisashi Fujimura,  Chikara Egami,  Naomichi Okamoto,  

[Paper #]OME2000-123,OPE2000-75
Molecular Design and Synthesis of UV-Polymerized Resins for Optical Use

Mitsutoshi Aritomi,  Seiichirou Hayakawa,  Akihiko Sakai,  

[Paper #]OME2000-124,OPE2000-76
Polymer PLC Transceiver Module for Access Network

Tatemi Ido,  Taira Kinishita,  Takamitsu Nagara,  Hirohisa Sano,  

[Paper #]OME2000-125,OPE2000-77
Optical Path Conversion using 45°Micro Mirror Pin for Optical Surface Mount Technology

Yuichi Itoh,  Kenji Suzuki,  Ryuichi Hirade,  Osamu Mikami,  Teiji Uchida,  Masaru Akazawa,  

[Paper #]OME2000-126,OPE2000-78
Analysis of Holographic Image from MWH-ROM

Shogo Yagi,  Tadayuki Imai,  Akiyuki Tate,  

[Paper #]OME2000-127,OPE2000-79


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