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[Paper #]
High-Speed, Low-Power Lightwave Communication ICs Using InP/InGaAs Double-Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (Invited)

Eiichi Sano,  Shoji Yamahata,  Hiroki Nakajima,  Kenji Kurishima,  

[Paper #]OCS98-67,ED98-158,OPE98-99,LQE98-98
A InP HEMT Technology for 40 Gbit/s Optical communications

Yasuro Yamane,  Yoshino Fukai,  Takatomo Enoki,  Hiroto Kitabayashi,  Yohtaro Umeda,  Yasunobu Ishii,  

[Paper #]OCS98-68,ED98-159,OPE98-100,LQE98-99
A Traveling-Wave Demultiplexer

Koichi Narahara,  Taiichi Otsuji,  

[Paper #]OCS98-69,ED98-160,OPE98-101,LQE98-100
FDTD Simulation and Optimization of a T-junction in a Metal-clad Waveguide

Z.L. Wang,  M. Izutsu,  

[Paper #]OCS98-70,ED98-161,OPE98-102,LQE98-101
Broadband LiNbO_3 Optical Modulator for 40-Gb/s Optical Transmission Systems

Kazuto NOGUCHI,  Hiroshi MIYAZAWA,  Osamu MITOMI,  

[Paper #]OCS98-71,ED98-162,OPE98-103,LQE98-102
Supercontinuum Generation in Dispersion-Flattened/Decreasing Fiber Taking Account of Wavelength Dependent Loss, Higher-Order Dispersion and Nonlinear Effects.

Hiroyasu SONE,  Takeshi KAWANO,  Masaaki IMAI,  Yoh IMAI,  

[Paper #]OCS98-72,ED98-163,OPE98-104,LQE98-103
Lengthwise measurement of Optical Characteristics along the SM Fibers

N. Mitomi,  T. Abiru,  K. Takahashi,  

[Paper #]OCS98-73,ED98-164,OPE98-105,LQE98-104
Femtosecond all-optical switch based on wavelength shift accompanied by resonantly excited nonlinearity in semiconductor

Shigeru Nakamura,  Yoshiyasu Ueno,  Kazuhito Tajima,  

[Paper #]OCS98-74,ED98-165,OPE98-106,LQE98-105
Polarization Characteristics of Surface Emitting Laser Grown on (311) B Substrates under High Speed Modulation

N. Nishiyama,  A. Mizutani,  N. Hatori,  S. Shinada,  M. Arai,  F. Koyama,  K. Iga,  

[Paper #]OCS98-75,ED98-166,OPE98-107,LQE98-106
Fabrication of InAsP Quantum Wires by Using Mass-Transport Method and Their Optical Characterization

T. Toda,  Y. Nakano,  

[Paper #]OCS98-76,ED98-167,OPE98-108,LQE98-107


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