


[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Delivery of High-Power Nd : YAG Laser Pulses by Hollow Fibers

Konosuke Hanamoto,  Yuji Matsuura,  Shunichi Sato,  Mitsunobu Miyagi,  

[Paper #]EMD98-27,CPM98-75,OPE98-48,LQE98-42
Brillouin Gain Spectrum Measurement for Optical fibers using Direct Frequency Modulation of a Laser Diode

Takemi Hasegawa,  Kazuo Hotate,  

[Paper #]EMD98-28,CPM98-76,OPE98-49,LQE98-43
Multi-solutions control of photorefractive four-wave mixing

Yoshihisa Takayama,  Atsushi Okamoto,  Kunihiro Sato,  

[Paper #]EMD98-29,CPM98-77,OPE98-50,LQE98-44
Analysis and experiment of phase conjugate reflectivity in cross polarized four-wave mixing with two-wave mixing approximation

Tomotsugu Sekine,  Atsushi Okamoto,  Hisashi Matsuoka,  Kunihiro Sato,  

[Paper #]EMD98-30,CPM98-78,OPE98-51,LQE98-45
Bonding technique and applications using transferred

Nobutatsu Koshoubu,  Hideki Tsunetsugu,  Masakaze Hosoya,  Suzuko Ishizawa,  Hideyuki Takahara,  

[Paper #]EMD98-31,CPM98-79,OPE98-52,LQE98-46
Relaxation oscillation in all-optically gain-clamped amplifiers

Yuichi Takushima,  Kazuro Kikuchi,  

[Paper #]EMD98-32,CPM98-80,OPE98-53,LQE98-47
1480nm Pumping Laser with Fiber Bragg Grating

Akira Mugino,  Satoshi Koyanagi,  Takuya Ishikawa,  Takeo Shimizu,  

[Paper #]EMD98-33,CPM98-81,OPE98-54,LQE98-48
0.98μm ridge-waveguide high-power LDs with window struture

Y Nagai,  K Kawasaki,  S Yamamura,  K Shigihara,  Y Hamamaki,  M Miyashita,  Y Yoshida,  H Higuchi,  

[Paper #]EMD98-34,CPM98-82,OPE98-55,LQE98-49
λ/4-shifted DFB lasers with graded grating

H Watanabe,  K Shibata,  T Takiguchi,  K Takagi,  H Minami,  A Takemoto,  

[Paper #]EMD98-35,CPM98-83,OPE98-56,LQE98-50
A study on bare fiber connector type LD module

M Asai,  T Nakamura,  H Hotta,  Y Kudou,  

[Paper #]EMD98-36,CPM98-84,OPE98-57,LQE98-51
High Performance and Low-Cost Plastic Optical Modules for the Access Network System Applications

K Tatsuno,  K Yoshida,  T Hirataka,  F Yuki,  T Kato,  K Fukuda,  T Miura,  T Ishii,  

[Paper #]EMD98-37,CPM98-85,OPE98-58,LQE98-52
Mass Productive Techniques for Optical Modules by using Surface Mount Technology

Kenji Yamauchi,  Kazuhiko Kurata,  Yoshiki Sano,  Mitsuru Kurihara,  Atsuhiro Kawatani,  

[Paper #]EMD98-38,CPM98-86,OPE98-59,LQE98-53
Athermal laser moduls for Gbit transmission systems

H Asakura,  Y Tanaka,  M Yamagata,  H Nagao,  

[Paper #]EMD98-39,CPM98-87,OPE98-60,LQE98-54
Skew-compensation Circuits for Parallel Optical Interconnections

Takeshi Sakamoto,  Nobuyuki Tanaka,  Yasuhiro Ando,  

[Paper #]EMD98-40,CPM98-88,OPE98-61,LQE98-55
Laser diode integrated with polyimide waveguide

Eiji Higurashi,  Mieko Tsubamoto,  Renshi Sawada,  

[Paper #]EMD98-41,CPM98-89,OPE98-62,LQE98-56


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