Electronics-Organic Material Electronics(Date:2011/10/07)



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Organic Devices and Sensors Utilizing Evanescent Waves and Surface Plasmon Resonance

Keizo Kato,  Akira Baba,  Kazunari Shinbo,  Futao Kaneko,  

[Paper #]OME2011-48
Long-lived Phosphorescent Color Change with Temperature Increase : Inter-molecular thermally activated triplet-triplet energy transfer

Kenro TOTANI,  Yuya OKADA,  Shuzo HIRATA,  Toshiyuki WATANABE,  

[Paper #]OME2011-49
Transmission Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy and Fabrication of Combined Microfluidic Device and Their Biosensor Application

Ryuta Kato,  Takao Oseki,  Akira Baba,  Kazunari Shinbo,  Keizo Kato,  Futao Kaneko,  Gareth Sheppard,  Jason Locklin,  

[Paper #]OME2011-50
Physical Vapor Deposition of PEDOT Synthesized with Pd Catalyst

Taikai EGUCHI,  Yuusuke TSUCHIYA,  Kuniaki TANAKA,  Kenji OGINO,  Hiroaki USUI,  

[Paper #]OME2011-51
Language Functions Operated by Nerve Cell Quantum Switches : The Specialty of Human Language is the Infinite Number of Code composed by Combinatorics of Digital Signals

Kimiaki Tokumaru,  

[Paper #]OME2011-52
Correlation between FE-TSC and dielectric properties observed in (BEDT-TTF)(TCNQ) crystalline FET

Mitsutoshi HANADA,  Masatoshi SAKAI,  Masato ISHIGURO,  Ryosuke MATSUBARA,  Hiroshi YAMAUCHI,  Masakazu NAKAMURA,  Kazuhiro KUDO,  

[Paper #]OME2011-53
Electrical property of CTAB/GaAs hetero-structures

Mari TAGUCHI,  Atsumi OZAWA,  Hajime Imai,  

[Paper #]OME2011-54
Relationship between Crystal Order and Limiting Factors of Carrier Transport in Pentacene Polycrystalline film

Ryosuke MAYSUBARA,  Toshio NOMURA,  Noboru OHASHI,  Masatoshi SAKAI,  Kazuhiro KUDO,  Masakazu Nakamura,  

[Paper #]OME2011-55
Surface morphologies of conjugated polymer-fullerene composite films prepared by electrophoretic deposition

Kazuya TADA,  Mitsuyoshi ONODA,  

[Paper #]OME2011-56
Formation of Organic Nanodots Using Molecular Aggregation during Self-Assembled Monolayer Treatment (MADSAT) Method

Takuya Morimoto,  S.-G. Park,  Tomoya Inden,  Takao Nishikawa,  Tatsuo Mori,  

[Paper #]OME2011-57


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Notice for Photocopying


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