Electronics-Organic Material Electronics(Date:1996/05/28)



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[Paper #]
Preparation of Uniaxially Oriented Films of A Conducting Polymer and Their Properties

Nobutaka Tanigaki,  Yuji Yoshida,  Eun-Mi Han,  Noriyuki Takada,  Kiyoshi Yase,  

[Paper #]OME96-10
Molecular Orientation of Platinum Dionedioximes in Evaporated Films and Fabrication of the Multilayered Heterostructure

Kaoru Yamamoto,  Toshihide Kamata,  Kiyoshi Yase,  Yuji Yoshida,  Toshio Fukaya,  Fujio Mizukami,  Toshiaki Ohta,  

[Paper #]OME96-11
Dual-probe Scanning Near-field Optical Microscope

Tomoo SIGEHUZI,  Hiroshi YOKOYAMA,  

[Paper #]OME96-12
Fabrication and characterization of field effect transistor using stacked layers of charge transfer complexes

Tsutomu SUMIMOTO,  Yasuhito SHIRATORI,  Masaaki IIZUKA,  Shigekazu KUNIYOSHI,  Kazuhiro KUDO,  Kuniaki TANAKA,  

[Paper #]OME96-13
Phase Transition of Langmuir-Blodgett Films due to Thermal Stimulation

Chen-Xu Wu,  Woo-Yoen Kim,  Mitsumasa Iwamoto,  

[Paper #]OME96-14


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