Electronics-Organic Material Electronics(Date:1993/11/25)



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Transient photocurrent properties in merocyanine dye Langmuir- Blodgett films

Kazuhiro Saito,  Hiroshi Yokoyama,  

[Paper #]OME93-39,DEI-93-125
Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) Measurements of LB Ultrathin Films on Ag Thin Films

Takashi Wakamatsu,  Syosaku Honda,  Hitoshi Saiki,  Keizo Kato,  Futao Kaneko,  Satoshi Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]OME93-40,DEI-93-126
D.C.voltage generation in MIM structures of LB

Taro Hino,  Shigeru Takeuchi,  

[Paper #]OME93-41,DEI-93-127
Electron transport mechanism through polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films possesing functional entities

Mitsumasa Iwamoto,  Tohru Kubota,  

[Paper #]OME93-42,DEI-93-128
Stabilization of organic thin film EL devices

Masaru Watanabe,  Minoru Kusabiraki,  Kenji Tanaka,  Yoshiharu Maekawa,  Kyo Abe,  Masao Aozasa,  

[Paper #]OME93-43,DEI-93-129
Preparation and Recording Property of Reversible Thermosensitive Recording Sheet of Organic Crystalline Particles dispersed in a Polymer

Takayoshi Ueno,  Masa-aki Suzuki,  Yoshio Kishimoto,  

[Paper #]OME93-44,DEI-93-130
Surface pressure and area variations of dye adsorbed monolayers and the dependence of dye concentration

Kazuhiro Kudo,  Shigekazu Kuniyoshi,  Kuniaki Tanaka,  

[Paper #]OME93-45,DEI-93-131


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