Electronics-Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonics(Date:2013/07/11)



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[Paper #]
Performance Analysis of CPML for Cylindrical FDTD method

Yasuo OHTERA,  Haruka HIROSE,  Hirohito YAMADA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-48,OPE2013-17,EST2013-12,MWP2013-7
Substrate Thickness Dependence on Insertion Loss of Porous Post-wall Waveguide

Tatsuya SUZUKI,  Ryosuke SUGA,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]MW2013-49,OPE2013-18,EST2013-13,MWP2013-8
Electrostatic Analysis of Effective Permittivity for Microstructure

Takuichi HIRANO,  Jiro HIROKAWA,  Makoto ANDO,  

[Paper #]MW2013-50,OPE2013-19,EST2013-14,MWP2013-9
Theoretical Design of UWB Bandpass Filters Using Multistage Three-Line-Units

J. ODA,  C.-P CHEN,  K. KAMATA,  T. KATO,  T. ANADA,  Z. Ma,  

[Paper #]MW2013-51,OPE2013-20,EST2013-15,MWP2013-10
The estimation method of power consumption considering traffic characteristics for communications SoCs

Ritsu Kusaba,  Hiroyuki Uzawa,  Tomoaki Kawamura,  Kenji Kawai,  Yuki Arikawa,  Satoshi Shigematsu,  

[Paper #]MW2013-52,OPE2013-21,EST2013-16,MWP2013-11
A Numerical Solution Using Sakurai-Sugiura Projection Method to the Transcendental Equation of a Multilayer Waveguide Dispersion Relation

Shingo SATO,  Takao SHIMADA,  Koji HASEGAWA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-53,OPE2013-22,EST2013-17,MWP2013-12
Evaluation of Propagation Characteristics for Wireless LAN on Aircraft Considering the Wings

Masami SHIRAFUNE,  Takashi HIKAGE,  Toshio NOJIMA,  Shunichi FUTATSUMORI,  Akiko KOHMURA,  Naruto YONEMOTO,  

[Paper #]MW2013-54,OPE2013-23,EST2013-18,MWP2013-13
Thermal Modeling of Fetus and its Application to Dosimetry

Akimasa HIRATA,  Yuri ISHII,  Tomoki NOMURA,  Ilkka LAAKSO,  

[Paper #]MW2013-55,OPE2013-24,EST2013-19,MWP2013-14
Customizable Simulator Platform for FDTD using Data-flow Programing Model

Hidehisa SHIOMI,  Yasuyuki OKAMURA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-56,OPE2013-25,EST2013-20,MWP2013-15
FDTD Analysis of Radiation from MMIC Passive Components Using GPGPU - No.2

Nagayoshi MORITA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-57,OPE2013-26,EST2013-21,MWP2013-16
半導体デバイス・シミュレーション : 30年間の進展(招待講演,マイクロ波フォトニクス技術,一般)


[Paper #]MW2013-58,OPE2013-27,EST2013-22,MWP2013-17
Simulation Technologies for Realizing Terahertz Electron Devices

Eiichi SANO,  

[Paper #]MW2013-59,OPE2013-28,EST2013-23,MWP2013-18
Optical Amplification on Bismuth-doped Silica Optical Fiber

Soichi KOBAYASHI,  Mikoto TAKAHASHI,  Tatsuya FUJII,  Yusuke FUJII,  

[Paper #]MW2013-60,OPE2013-29,EST2013-24,MWP2013-19
Design of polarization splitter with elliptical-hole core circular-hole holey fibers

Zejun ZHANG,  Yasuhide TSUJI,  Masashi EGUCHI,  

[Paper #]MW2013-61,OPE2013-30,EST2013-25,MWP2013-20
Analysis of loss characteristics of Resonantly-Guided Optical Fibers

Haruka Hirose,  Yasuo Ohtera,  Hirohito Yamada,  

[Paper #]MW2013-62,OPE2013-31,EST2013-26,MWP2013-21
2 GHz-Band CMOS Direct Digital RF Modulator Using Oversampling Current-Mode DAC

Osamu WADA,  Suguru KAMEDA,  Noriharu SUEMATSU,  Tadashi TAKAGI,  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI,  

[Paper #]MW2013-63,OPE2013-32,EST2013-27,MWP2013-22
Trial Fabrication of 180 GHz-Band PTFE-Filled Waveguide by SR Etching and Its Evaluation

Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA,  Hideki KIDO,  Akinobu YAMAGUCHI,  Yuichi UTSUMI,  Isao OHTA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-64,OPE2013-33,EST2013-28,MWP2013-23
Constitution of Left-handed Waveguide Based on Cutoff TM-mode : Utilization of Circular TM_<01> mode and Rectangular TM_<11> mode

Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA,  Isao OHTA,  

[Paper #]MW2013-65,OPE2013-34,EST2013-29,MWP2013-24
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