Electronics-Magnetic Recording & Information Storage(Date:2020/03/06)

[Invited Talk] Future Prospect of Information Storage for Society 5.0

Yoichiro Tanaka(Tohoku Univ.),  Simon Greaves(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]MRIS2019-48
Influence of cooling rate after high-temperature growth on the structural and magnetostrictive properties of Fe-Co alloy single-crystal film

Teru Akitaya(YNU),  Kana Serizawa(YNU/Chuo Univ.),  Mitsuru Ohtake(YNU),  Tetsuroh Kawai(YNU),  Masaaki Futamoto(YNU/Chuo Univ.),  Fumiyoshi Kirino(Tokyo Univ. Arts),  Nobuyuki Inaba(Yamagata Univ.),  

[Paper #]MRIS2019-47
Performance Evaluation of Read Channel with Fading

Mana Isayama(Gifu Univ),  Shan Lu(Gifu Univ),  Hiroshi Kamabe(Gifu Univ),  

[Paper #]MRIS2019-46