Electronics-Electronic Simulation Technology(Date:2013/05/03)



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Particle Swarm Optimization of Parasitic Antenna Position to Compensate Mutual Coupling for DOA Estimation

Hironori HORIE,  Hidehisa SHIOMI,  Yasuyuki OKAMURA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-1
Verification of a Calculation Method of Magnetoquasistatic Fields for Short-Range Wireless Identification

Takayuki OGASAWARA,  Ai-ichiro SASAKI,  Hiroki MORIMURA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-2
Coupled Analysis of Maxwell-Schrodinger Equations by the FDTD Method : Tunnel Effect Due to Electron Density

Takashi TAKEUCHI,  Akira KUMA,  Shinichiro OHNUKI,  

[Paper #]EST2013-3
Numerical study of terahertz two-dimensional plasmons in graphene

Akira SATOU,  Victor RYZHII,  Vladimir MITIN,  Fedir VASKO,  Taiichi OTSUJI,  

[Paper #]EST2013-4
FDTD simulations of THz spoof surface plasmon in metallic grating structures

Kazuhro FUJITA,  Wataru ODAJIMA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-5
Non-equilibrium Green's function simulations of terahertz quantum cascade lasers

Hiroaki YASUDA,  Iwao HOSAKO,  

[Paper #]EST2013-6
Simulation of photonic crystal cavities : FDTD method and its acceleration by GPU

Hideaki TANIYAMA,  Takashi SHIMOKAWABE,  Takayuki AOKI,  Hisashi SUMIKURA,  Masaya NOTOMI,  

[Paper #]EST2013-7
Numerical Study on Narrowband Bandpass Filter using Dual Modes of Terahertz Metallic Photonic Crystal Resonator

Takemasa KATO,  Katsuhiro KAMATA,  Junya ODA,  Chun-Ping CHEN,  Tetsuo ANADA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-8
Comparison of Fixed Point and Floating Point Calculations for Parallel Processing of FDTD Method Using FPGA

Ryota TAKASU,  Tempei HASEGAWA,  Yoichi TOMIOKA,  Tsugimichi SHIBATA,  Mamoru NAKANISHI,  Hitoshi KITAZAWA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-9
A Study on Evaluations of Radiated Electromagnetic Field Using the Equivalent Theorem for Bow-tie Antennas Operating in Terahertz Range

Hirokazu YAMAKURA,  Mitsufumi SAITO,  Michihiko SUHARA,  

[Paper #]EST2013-10
Treatment of Metal in the Analysis of Terahertz Devices Using the FDTD Method

Jun SHIBAYAMA,  Shingo OZAKI,  Yosuke UCHIZONO,  Junji YAMAUCHI,  Hisamatsu NAKANO,  

[Paper #]EST2013-11


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Notice for Photocopying


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