Electronics-Electromechanical Devices(Date:2004/06/25)



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Quick Chargeable and High Power Organic Radical Battery

Masaharu SATOH,  Kentaro NAKAHARA,  Jiro IRIYAMA,  Shigeyuki IWASA,  Masahiro SUGURO,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-21,CPM2004-30,OME2004-32
Study on Functional Devices of Piezo-Electric Material with Structural Array

Chinami Kaneshiro,  Manabu Ozaki,  Keishin Koh,  Kohji Hohkawa,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-22,CPM2004-31,OME2004-33
Study on Sensing System Configuration by MEMS Technology

Chinami Kaneshiro,  Akira Yamamura,  Keishin Koh,  Kohji Hohkawa,  Kunio Matsumoto,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-23,CPM2004-32,OME2004-34
Piezoelectricity and Visible Light Emission in Super Lattice Silica Films

Satoru NOGE,  Hirotaka SHIMOTORI,  Takehiko UNO,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-24,CPM2004-33,OME2004-35
Acoustic Properties of Nanofoam and Applied Device : High Sensitivity Ultrasonic Sensor in Air

Hidetomo NAGAHARA,  Takashi HASHIDA,  Masa-aki SUZUKI,  Masahiko HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-25,CPM2004-34,OME2004-36
Low thermal expansion tungstate

Atsushi OMOTE,  Tomoko SUZUKI,  Masa-aki SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-26,CPM2004-35,OME2004-37
Piezoelectric Properties of KNbO_3 Crystal Grown by Vertical Bridgman Method

Kenichi KUDO,  Kenji KAKIUCHI,  Naoyuki ENDO,  Noriko BANBA,  Keigo HOSHIKAWA,  Tatsuo FUKAMI,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-27,CPM2004-36,OME2004-38
Detection of the Underwater-Shockwave by PVDF Transducer : Comparison and Discussion on received wave forms from Ultrasonic and Shockwave

Daiki HASEGAWA,  Yasuo YOSHEDA,  Hiroshi INOUE,  Kenji MURATA,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-28,CPM2004-37,OME2004-39
Bridge Phenomena in Slow Opening Electric Contacts in a State of Thermal Equilibrium Condition

T. Takagi,  M. Taniguchi,  H. Inoue,  H. Ishida,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-29,CPM2004-38,OME2004-40
Relay Contacts mechanism with Time-coordinated Switching of Parallel Contacts to Suppress Arc Discharge

Yuuichi AKIBA,  Yu YONEZAWA,  Noboru WAKATUKI,  

[Paper #]EMD2004-30,CPM2004-39,OME2004-41


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