Electronics-Electronic Information Displays(Date:2008/01/17)



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Blue-Emitting Bi-Activated La_2O_3-Based Muiticomponent Oxide Phosphor Thin-Film EL Devices Fabricated Using r.f. Magnetron Sputtering Deposition

Haruki FUKADA,  Shun MATSUI,  Toshihiro MIYATA,  Tadatsugu MINAMI,  

[Paper #]EID2007-60
Fabrication of Bendable Inorganic Thin-Film Electroluminescence Devices

Haruki FUKADA,  Keiichi SAHARA,  Shun MATSUI,  Toshihiro MIYATA,  Tadatsugu MINAMI,  

[Paper #]EID2007-61
Local Structures around Ba^<2+> and Eu^<2+> Ions in Blue Luminescent BaAl_2S_4:Eu Thin Films

Shinji OKAMOTO,  Tetsuo HONMA,  Katsu TANAKA,  Runhong Guo,  Noboru MIURA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-62
Luminescent properties of GdF_3 co-doped BaAl_2S_4:Eu blue-emitting phosphors

Xiaoshuai YAN,  Runhong GUO,  Noboru MIURA,  Hironaga MATSUMOTO,  Ryotaro NAKANO,  

[Paper #]EID2007-63
Analysis of Laser Annealing Process of SrGa_2S_4:Eu Thin Film Prepared by Two Electron Beam Evaporation Method

Hiroko KOMINAMI,  Yoichiro NAKANISHI,  Kazuhiko HARA,  Yuko ARAI,  Toshiaki SEINO,  

[Paper #]EID2007-64
Electroluminescent Device Utilizing Chemically Synthesized ZnS:Cu Nanocrystals

Daisaku YAMAGUCHI,  Takeshi HAMA,  Daisuke ADACHI,  Toshihiko TOYAMA,  Hiroaki OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]EID2007-65
Improvement in VUV excitation characteristics of CaMgSi_2O_6:Eu by blending with UV-emitting phosphors

Shinya Orita,  Takashi Kunimoto,  Hironobu Tani,  Koutoku Ohmi,  

[Paper #]EID2007-66
Liquid-phase synthesis of silicate phosphor for VUV excitation

Yasuhiro Nakashima,  Takashi Kunirnoto,  Koutoku Ohmi,  

[Paper #]EID2007-67
Preparations and luminescence characterization of ZnMgO/ZnO structural particle by sol-gel method

Naoyuki KOKETSU,  Tomoharu SANO,  Hiroko KOMINAMI,  Yoichiro NAKANISHI,  Kazuhiko HARA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-68
Synthesis and emission property of La_2O_2S:Eu by Citric Acid Gel Method

Shinji YAMASHITA,  Hiroko KOMINAMI,  Yoichiro NAKANISHI,  Kazuhiko HARA,  Yasuo SHIMOMURA,  Masahiko YOSHINO,  

[Paper #]EID2007-69
Characterization of GaN-Based Crystals for LED's by Microscopic Two-Wavelength Excited Photoluminescence

Naotake UCHIYAMA,  Tomohiko YAMAGUCHI,  Hirohisa OGAWA,  Norihiko KAMATA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-70
The characteristic of a Hybrid Backlight with White LED and Wide Color Gamut LED

Takashi EDAMITSU,  Koji SAKAI,  Takahito YOSHIDA,  Satoshi KAWASIMA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-71
Preparation and Cathodoluminescence of Nanostructured ZnO Materials

Gui HAN,  Yoichiro NEO,  Morihiro OKADA,  Zhiyan XIAO,  Toru AOKI,  Hidenori MIMURA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-72
Development of double-gated FEA for high definition display

Takashi SODA,  Masafumi TAKEDA,  Masayoshi NAGAO,  Tomoya YOSHIDA,  Seigo KANEMARU,  Yoichiro NEO,  Toru AOKI,  Hidenori MIMURA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-73
Low Data-Voltage Drive of PDPs by Using Wall-Charge-Accumulating Ramp Pulse and Self-Erase Discharge

Kazuaki ARAI,  Tomokazu SHIGA,  Shigeo MIKOSHIBA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-74
Theoretical Study on Release Condition of Wall Electron of ACPDP

Tetsuo SAKAI,  Kunihide Tachibana,  

[Paper #]EID2007-75
Flexible Multi-Color Organic Light Emitting Panels Using Self-Alignment Ink-Jet Printing Technology

Kenta MATSUI,  Shigeki NAKA,  Hiroyuki OKADA,  Takeshi MIYABAYASHI,  Toyokazu INOUE,  

[Paper #]EID2007-76
Fabrication of a Polysilane/TPB Blue EL Device by Wet-Process

Erika AZUMA,  Hironobu YAMAGUCHI,  Mitsuo KOMORIYA,  Ryohei KOBAYASHI,  Norihiko KAMATA,  

[Paper #]EID2007-77
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