Electronics-Electronic Information Displays(Date:2003/09/30)



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Extraction of the psychological factor in high-fidelity color image reproduction system : Subjective evaluation of Natural Vision using SD method

Junko KISHIMOTO,  Masaru KANAZAWA,  Yuri MURAKAMI,  Atsushi UCHIDA,  Katsuhiro KANAMORI,  Kenro OHSAWA,  Yuki IIZUKA,  Masahiro YAMAGUCHI,  Hideaki HANEISHI,  Nagaaki OHYAMA,  

[Paper #]EID2003-14
Subjective assessment of printed color image quality For saturation decrease of RGB

Wanqing SONG,  Haruyuki SEKI,  Kosuke OHASHI,  Yoshifumi SHIMODAIRA,  

[Paper #]EID2003-15
Development of Super High Definition Monitor with Wide Color Gamut

Kenichi IWAUCHI,  Kei TOKUI,  Mitsuyoshi SEO,  Hiroshi ITO,  Atsushi YAMANAKA,  Toshio FUJII,  

[Paper #]EID2003-16
Guest-Host Liquid Crystal Devices with Twisted Alignment Having Low Refractive Index Anisotropy

Takaaki SUZUKI,  Hideo FUJIKAKE,  Takeshi MURASHlGE,  Hiroto SATO,  Hiroshi KIKUCHI,  Taiichiro KURITA,  

[Paper #]EID2003-17
Perceptually Linear Gamma Correction for LCDs

Hisashi SASAKI,  

[Paper #]EID2003-18
The Analysis of Real Image Quality Using High Resolution Linear CCD

Daisuke Yamashita,  Riichi Nagura,  

[Paper #]EID2003-19
A New Objective Sharpness Evaluation Method for Digital Halftone Images

Yasunobu KISHINE,  Toshikazu MATSUI,  

[Paper #]EID2003-20
Activities for stereoscopic imaging from the viewpoint of content

Takashi KAWAI,  

[Paper #]EID2003-21
Representation of Pseudo Inter-reflection and Transparency by Considering Characteristics of Human

Hiroto Matsuoka,  Tatsuto TAKEUCHI,  Hitoshi KITAZAWA,  Akira ONOZAWA,  

[Paper #]EID2003-22
A Study for the Design of Sur-virtual Space

Masaaki OKAMOTO,  Kumiko KOMATSU,  Eiji SHIMIZU,  

[Paper #]EID2003-23
he prevention of error generating of compressed image data using the error correcting code

Masahiko KOBAYASHI,  Hiroshi NOMURA,  Riichi NAGURA,  

[Paper #]EID2003-24
The Generation of Joint Torque from EMG signal based on Muscular Skeleton Forward Dynamics Model

Kyuengbo MIN,  Yasuharu KOIKE,  

[Paper #]EID2003-25
Stimuli with High Spatial Frequencies are Perceived Moving Faster than Low Spatial Frequencies stimuli

Haoming SHEN,  Yoshifumi SHIMODAIRA,  Gosuke OHASHI,  

[Paper #]EID2003-26
Effect of Spatial Frequency on Motion Adaptation

Yutaka YAMAMOTO,  Haoming SHEN,  Yoshifumi SHIMODAIRA,  Gosuke OHASHI,  

[Paper #]EID2003-27


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