Electronics-Electronic Information Displays(Date:1997/10/23)



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[Paper #]
Electron Bombardment CCD tube (EB-CCD)

M. Suyama,  A. Kageyama,  S. Ema,  K. Kinoshita,  

[Paper #]EID97-47
A CMOS image sensor for video compression and the evaluation

Daisuke MIYAZAKI,  Makoto YOSHIDA,  Masaaki SASAKI,  Shoji KAWAHITO,  Yoshiaki TADOKORO,  Kenji MURATA,  Shirou DOUSHOU,  Akira MATSUZAWA,  

[Paper #]EID97-48
On-Focal-Plane Signal Processing for Current-Mode Active Pixel Image Sensors

Junichi Nakamura,  Bedabrata Pain,  Tetsuo Nomoto,  Tsutomu Nakamura,  Eric R. Fossum,  

[Paper #]EID97-49
Time-Domain Correlation Image Sensor and Its Applications

Shigeru ANDO,  

[Paper #]EID97-50
Flat Panel Display Using Field Emitters : Tutorial

Takao Kishino,  

[Paper #]EID97-51
Observing the discharge Characteristics of plasma display by using an ultra-high speed electronic Camera

Zang Shifang,  Masahiro Sawa,  Heziyu Utiike,  Kunio Yoshita,  Tazunou Watanabe,  Hiroyasu Hasimoto,  

[Paper #]EID97-52
Luminance Improvement of HD AC-PDPs by Using Address-while-Display Scheme

Hajime Homma,  Kiyoshi Igarashi,  Shigeo Mikoshiba,  Hideyuki Asai,  Naoya Kikuchi,  

[Paper #]EID97-53
consideration on Improving Motion Picture Quality of PDP with use of a Sub-field Method

Keiji ISHII,  Toshihiro YAMAMOTO,  Taiichiro KURITA,  Yoshimichi TAKANO,  Toshimitsu KOURA,  Hideki KOKUBUN,  Kiichi KOBAYASHI,  Hiroshi MURAKAMI,  Keizou MAJIMA,  Kouichi YAMAGUCHI,  

[Paper #]EID97-54


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