Electronics-Electron Devices(Date:2003/05/08)



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Remote plasma enhanced MOCVD growth of ZnCdO thin films

Satoshi Shigemori,  Atushi Nakamura,  Toru Aoki,  Jiro Temmyo,  

[Paper #]ED2003-16
ZnO growth using remote plasma MOCVD

Atsushi NAKAMURA,  Yoshimi SHIMIZU,  Toru AOKI,  Jiro TEMMYO,  

[Paper #]ED2003-17
Evaluation of optical properties in AlInN arroys grown by MOVPE

Takao Fujimori,  Hitoshi Imai,  Akihiko Wakahara,  Hiroshi Okada,  Akira Yoshida,  Tomohiko Shibata,  Mitsuhiro Tanaka,  

[Paper #]ED2003-18
Growth and Characterization of InN on various substrates by MOVPE

Kenji Shimono,  Masahiro Jinbo,  Yasuhiro Watanabe,  Shyugo Nitta,  Motoaki Iwaya,  Satosi Kamiyama,  Hiroshi Amano,  Isamu Akasaki,  

[Paper #]ED2003-19
MOVPE growth of high quality AlGaN

Takeshi KAWASHIMA,  Atsushi MIYAZAKI,  Kazuyoshi IIDA,  Masataka IMURA,  Tomoaki SANO,  Motoaki IWAYA,  Satoshi KAMIYAMA,  Hiroshi AMANO,  Isamu AKASAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2003-20
Preparation and Properties of AlN/GaN quantum-well structure for quantum-cascade-laser application

Naoki SONE,  Hitoya NAGASAWA,  Yoku INOUE,  Knei ISHINO,  Hiroshi FUJIYASU,  Akihiro ISHIDA,  

[Paper #]ED2003-21
Microstructure and optical properties of thick GaN grown by flux method as a substrate for MOVPE growth of GaN

Masataka IMURA,  Tomoaki SANO,  Shuugo NITTA,  Motoaki IWAYA,  Satoshi KAMIYAMA,  Hiroshi AMANO,  Isamu AKASAKI,  Tomoya IWAHASHI,  Masaki Morisita,  Sirou KAWAMURA,  Masashi YOSHIMURA,  Yusuke Mori,  Takatomo SASAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2003-22
AlGaN/GaN heterostructure MIS-HEMTs with Si_3N_4 gate insulator

Masaru OCHIAI,  Yutaka OHNO,  Shigeru KISHIMOTO,  Koichi MAEZAWA,  Takashi MIZUTANI,  

[Paper #]ED2003-23
Thermal Stability of Sheet Resistance in AlGaN/GaN 2DEG Structure


[Paper #]ED2003-24
High Current Gain of 3000 for GaN/InGaN HBTs with a Regrown Base Layer

Toshiki Makimoto,  Kazuhide Kumakura,  Naiki Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]ED2003-25
UV laser diode grown on AlGaN with low-dislocation density

K. Iida,  S. Takanami,  T. Kawashima,  A. Miyazaki,  M. Iwaya,  S. Kamiyama,  H. Amano,  I. Akasaki,  

[Paper #]ED2003-26
Low temperature growth of GaAs_<1-x-y>P_yN_x and In_zGa_<1-z>P_<1-x>N_x layers with high nitrogen composition and improvement of crystallinity by atomic hydrogen irradiation

Yusuke YOSHIZUMI,  Kenji MOMOSE,  Atsushi UTSUMI,  Yuzo FURUKAWA,  Hiroo YONEZU,  

[Paper #]ED2003-27
Dependence of hydrogen passivation on Growth Temperature into Carbon-doped GaAsSb grown by MOCVD

Yasuhiro ODA,  Noriyuki WATANABE,  Masahiro UCHIDA,  Haruki YOKOYAMA,  Hiroki SUGIYAMA,  Michio SATO,  Takashi KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]ED2003-28
Low-temperature MBE growth and magnetotransport properties of (Ga,Mn)As on Si(100) substrates

Shin-ya SATO,  Yoshio JINBO,  Naotaka UCHITOMI,  

[Paper #]ED2003-29
Preparation and evaluation of manganese oxide films for Li secondary batteries

Masaaki Isai,  Hirotoshi Shimizu,  Eiji Nishida,  Shinji Honda,  Yutaka Nagashio,  Hiroshi Fujiyasu,  

[Paper #]ED2003-30
Growth and electronic properties of thick CdTe layers grown on GaAs by MOVPE

Yutaro Nakanishi,  Kei Uchida,  Takashi Mabuchi,  Yasutoshi Kusama,  Yasunori Agata,  Madan Niraula,  Kazuhito Yasuda,  

[Paper #]ED2003-31
Maskless selective growth and doping of GaAs using a low energy focused ion beam for in-situ micro-device structures fabrication, and its evaluation

Tomokazu Nishiyama,  Eun-mi Kim,  Kazutoshi Numata,  Kangsa Pak,  

[Paper #]ED2003-32


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