Electronics-Component Parts and Materials(Date:2009/11/12)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
GaN Re-growth Using Ta Mask Which Etches Covering GaN Layer

Kohei HARA,  Yoshiki NAOI,  Shiro SAKAI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-128,CPM2009-102,LQE2009-107
HVPE Growth of {11-22} GaN Crystals on m-plane Sapphire Substrates

Hitoshi SASAKI,  Hiroki GOTO,  Akira USUI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-129,CPM2009-103,LQE2009-108
MOVPE growth and optical properties of AlGaN on AlN/sapphire

Yuki SHIMAHARA,  Hiroyuki TAKETOMI,  Hideto MIYAKE,  Kazumasa HIRAMATSU,  Fumitsugu FUKUYO,  Tomoyuki OKADA,  Hidetsugu TAKAOKA,  Harumasa YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]ED2009-130,CPM2009-104,LQE2009-109
MBE growth of well-aligned InN crystals using Mo-mask selective area growth technique

Jumpei KAMIMURA,  Katsumi KISHINO,  Akihiko Kikuchi,  

[Paper #]ED2009-131,CPM2009-105,LQE2009-110
High quality InN crystal growth by RF-MBE : Growth of position-controlled InN nanocolumns

Tsutomu ARAKI,  Tomohiro YAMAGUCHI,  Masamitsu KANEKO,  Yasushi NANISHI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-132,CPM2009-106,LQE2009-111
Proposal of new growth method for high-quality InN and development on growth of InGaN

Tomohiro YAMAGUCHI,  Yasushi NANISHI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-133,CPM2009-107,LQE2009-112
Exciton emission mechanism in AlN epitaxial films

Takeyoshi ONUMA,  Kouji HAZU,  Takayuki SOTA,  Akira UEDONO,  Shigefusa F. CHICHIBU,  

[Paper #]ED2009-134,CPM2009-108,LQE2009-113
High spatial resolution PL mapping of {11-22} InGaN quantum wells by a scanning near field optical microscope

Akio KANETA,  Masaya UEDA,  Mitsuru FUNATO,  Yoichi KAWAKAMI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-135,CPM2009-109,LQE2009-114
Mapping of luminous intensity saturation in InGaN/GaN SQW studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy

Akira Hashiya,  Akio Kaneta,  Mitsuru Funato,  Yoichi Kawakami,  

[Paper #]ED2009-136,CPM2009-110,LQE2009-115
Anisotropy in structural and optical properties of nonpolar group III nitrides grown on ZnO substrates

Atsushi KOBAYASHI,  Kazuma SHIMOMOTO,  Kohei UENO,  Tomofumi KAJIMA,  Jitsuo OHTA,  Hiroshi FUJIOKA,  Masaharu OSHIMA,  

[Paper #]ED2009-137,CPM2009-111,LQE2009-116
Theoretical Studies on the Characteristic Electronic Structures of In-Containint Nitride Semiconductors Based on the First Principles Calculations

Kenji SHIRAISHI,  Jun-ichi IWATA,  Teruaki OBATA,  Atsushi OSHIYAMA,  

[Paper #]ED2009-138,CPM2009-112,LQE2009-117
Electrical and optical properties of polycrystalline Ga_xIn_<1-x>As thin films

Yoshichika TORII,  Takuya OKUZAKO,  Shin-ya TAKAMI,  Yasutomo KAJIKAWA,  

[Paper #]ED2009-139,CPM2009-113,LQE2009-118
Thermodynamic aspects of the raised pressure MOVPE for growth of GaInN

Kensuke NAGATA,  Daisuke IIDA,  Kentaro NAGAMATSU,  Kenichiro TAKEDA,  Tetsuya MATSUBARA,  Motoaki IWAYA,  Satoshi KAMIYAMA,  Hiroshi AMANO,  Isamu AKASAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-140,CPM2009-114,LQE2009-119
Ultraviolet AlGaN based multiple-quantum-well laser diodes

Harumasa YOSHIDA,  Masakazu KUWABARA,  Yoji YAMASHITA,  Yasufumi TAKAGI,  Kazuya UCHIYAMA,  Hirofumi KAN,  

[Paper #]ED2009-141,CPM2009-115,LQE2009-120
Reduction in operating voltage of UV laser diode

Tomoki ICHIKAWA,  Kenichiro TAKEDA,  Yuji OGISO,  Kengo NAGATA,  Motoaki IWAYA,  Satoshi KAMIYAMA,  Hiroshi AMANO,  Isamu AKASAKI,  Harumasa YOSHIDA,  Masakazu KUWABARA,  Yoji YAMASHITA,  Hirofumi KAN,  

[Paper #]ED2009-142,CPM2009-116,LQE2009-121
Fabrication of red, green and blue emitters using GaN-based UV Light-emitting diodes with Schottky-type structures

Tohru HONDA,  Tadashi NOZAKI,  Naoyuki SAKAI,  Kazuyuki NOGUCHI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-143,CPM2009-117,LQE2009-122
High Efficiency ultraviolet emitters by activation annealing in oxygen flow

Kengo NAGATA,  Tomoki ICHIKAWA,  Kenichiro TAKEDA,  Kentaro NAGAMATSU,  Motoaki IWAYA,  Satoshi KAMIYAMA,  Hiroshi AMANO,  Isamu AKASAKI,  

[Paper #]ED2009-144,CPM2009-118,LQE2009-123
Proposal of ultrathin InN-based asymmetric structure III-N QWs for novel photonic devices : Development from emitters into solar cells

Kazuhide KUSAKABE,  Yoshihiro ISHITANI,  Akihiko YOSHIKAWA,  

[Paper #]ED2009-145,CPM2009-119,LQE2009-124
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