Communication-Short Range Wireless Communications(Date:2016/10/17)

Proposal for Near Field Measurement of Active Antenna System Using Adjacent Probes Phase Difference

Aya Yamamoto(Anritsu),  Takashi Kawamura(Anritsu),  Masaaki Fuse(Anritsu),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-47
Detecting Overlapped Signals for Radio Wave Interference Visualization

Akihiro Wada(Fujitsu Labs.),  Tatsuya Kikuzuki(Fujitsu Labs.),  Makoto Hamaminato(Fujitsu Labs.),  Teruhisa Ninomiya(Fujitsu Labs.),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-48
Verification of the Back-off Control Procedures for the Communication Completed Time in the N terminals

Shono Takada(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-50
Verification of the Effect of RTS/CTS Procedures for the Communication Completed Time in the N terminals

Shota Fukaya(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-51
Verification of the Effect for Throughputs and Packet errors using the Auto ACK Techniques

Ryosuke Fujishima(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masairo Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-52
Verification of the Back-off Controlled procedures by Queuing Theory due to the RSSI Information for the Multiple-hop communications

Toshifumi Yoshioka(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-53
The Construction of 300GHz Millimeter-wave Spectrum Measurement Instrument

Yuji Sekine(Anritsu),  Shigeo Arai(Anritsu),  Takashi Kawamura(Anritsu),  Masaaki Fuse(Anritsu),  Shigenori Mattori(Anritsu),  Hanako Noda(Anritsu),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-49
Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of F-RIT Low Power MAC Protocol for Wireless Smart Utility Networks

Ryota Okumura(Kyoto Univ.),  Jun Fujiwara(Kyoto Univ.),  Keiichi Mizutani(Kyoto Univ.),  Hiroshi Harada(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-54
Empirical Discussion of Simulation Results for 2.4GHz Propagation Characteristics in the University

Komachiya Ryo(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-44
Empirical Discussion of Simulation Results for 2.4GHz Propagation Characteristics in a Curved Corridor

Kohei Sekizawa(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-46
Empirical Discussion of Simulation Results for 2.4GHz Propagation Characteristics in a Straight Line Corridor

Kyosuke Sakamoto(Tokyo University of Technology),  Masahiro Watanabe(Tokyo University of Technology),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-45
[Invited Talk] ECHONET Lite - Current Status And The Future

Yuji Sasagawa(KAIT),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-55
[Invited Talk] The Present State of Test and Measurement for Wireless Communication in HAN Environment, and Its Future

Junichi Maruta(Anritsu),  Toyoyuki Kato(Anritsu Engineering),  

[Paper #]SRW2016-56