Communication-Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics(Date:2002/05/17)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Iprovement of Data Acquisition Rate of a L-band Wind Profiler at Low Altitude.

Toshio WAKAYAMA,  Tomoya MATSUDA,  Takahiko FUJISAKA,  Kyoichi KAWAHARA,  Masahito ISHIHARA,  Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI,  Shoichiro FUKAO,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-11
Sea Fog Observation with Ka-band Meteorological Doppler Radar

Hiroshi SAKAMAKI,  Toshio WAKAYAMA,  Hisamichi TANAKA,  Takahiko FUJISAKA,  Akihisa UEMATSU,  Michihiro TESHIBA,  Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI,  Shoichiro FUKAO,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-12
Monitoring Ships on Sea Surface using Deployed Ocean Radars

Yasunobu OHMORI,  Takahiko FUJISAKA,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-13
A simple radar tracking method using an H∞ filter

Yoshio KOSUGE,  Masayoshi ITO,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-14
Measurement of Signal Environment in 1030 MHz Band

Shigeru OZEKI,  Yasuto Sumiya,  Masayuki Shirakawa,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-15
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Ground-Based SAR System

Zheng-Shu ZHOU,  Motoyuki SATO,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-16
Use of digital maps for a Synthetic Aperture Radar image simulation

Masayoshi TSUCHIDA,  Kei SUWA,  Hisakazu MANIWA,  Masafumi IWAMOTO,  Tetsuo KIRIMOTO,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-17
SNR improvement of radar signal by using stub tuner with delay line.

Hironori KEMANAI,  Ikuo ARAI,  

[Paper #]SANE2002-18


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