Communication-Mobile Multimedia Communications(Date:2004/05/07)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Performance evaluation of ad-hoc routing in an office environment

Jun HASEGAWA,  Tomonari SHIMADA,  Satoko ITAYA,  Masakatsu KOSUGA,  Peter DAVIS,  Shinsuke TANAKA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-13
A Study for Performance of Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols in VoIP

Kiyotaka KANEHIRO,  Kazuhiro MIZOGUCHI,  Teruaki KITASUKA,  Tsuneo NAKANISHI,  Akira FUKUDA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-14
Influence of Route Loss on Error Correcting Scheme Using Multiple Routes in Wireless Multi-hop Networks

Nobuyuki NAKAGAWA,  Hiraku OKADA,  Tadahiro WADA,  Takaya YAMAZATO,  Masaaki KATAYAMA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-15
Experiment result of route diversity in WACNet(Wireless Ad hoc Community Network, 1 1b Ad hoc)

Masahiro Watanabe,  Shinsuke Tanaka,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-16
Proposal and Evaluation of AODV Routing Protocol for High Density Ad Hoc Networks

Masamune OKINO,  Junichi USHIJMA,  Toshihiko KATO,  Shuichi ITOH,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-17
An Implementation of DHCPv6 Address Allocation with Consideration for Host Identity

Miyuki KADOTA,  Yasuhiro OHARA,  Masaki MINAMI,  Jun MURAI,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-18
Resolving LIN6 node's locator using Chord

Yasuyuki TANAKA,  Yuusuke DOI,  Mitsunobu KUNISHI,  Fumio TERAOKA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-19
Session Layer Association for Communication Channel Management

Kunitake KANEKO,  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA,  Tomonori AOYAMA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-20
Service Construction System for Ad-hoc network : design and implementation of Idobata LAN


[Paper #]MoMuC2004-21
Service Group Management System for Flexible Interface Adaptation among Web Services

Takashi Yoshikawa,  Tomohiro Nakagawa,  Ken Ohta,  Hiroshi Inamura,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-22
A proposal for seamless QoS support in mobile networks

Takako SANDA,  Toyoki UE,  Takashi ARAMAKI,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-23
Global Roaming Procedure among Independently Operated Mobile IP Networks

Koichiro TSUJINO,  Toshihiko KATO,  Shuichi ITOH,  Hidetoshi YOKOTA,  Akira IDOUE,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-24
A Study on Mobile IP Procedure over Ad hoc Network Combined with AODV Functions

Toshinori ARIMOTO,  Toshihiko KATO,  Shuichi ITOH,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-25
自律分散的マイクロモビリティサポートのための基地局間マルチホツプ網(セッション5A : モビリティ)(ユビキタスモバイルサービス)

Satoshi KOMORITA,  Kunitake KANEKO,  Hiroyuki MORIKAWA,  Tomonori AOYAMA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-26
Study on Decentralized Micro-mobility Management for Large-scale Mobile Networks

Hidetoshi YOKOTA,  Takeshi KUBO,  Akira IDOUE,  Masugi INOUE,  Khaled MAHMUD,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-27
A Study on the authenticated type firewall under Mobile IPv6 environment

Yuji YAMADA,  Kazuhide KOIDE,  Gen KITAGATA,  Norio SHIRATORI,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-28
Implementation of Mobility mechanism for Mobile IPv6 SHAKE

Kazumasa OGI,  Tomohiro MASUDA,  Hiroshi MINENO,  Susumu ISHIHARA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-29
Packet Division Multiple Access (PDMA) : A New Paradigm for Cellular Internetworking

Masataka OHTA,  

[Paper #]MoMuC2004-30
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