Communication-Information Networks(Date:2012/11/14)



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[Paper #]
Considering Value-Added Services Using Environmental Data Collected by Personal Mobile Sensing

Akihiro OKUSHI,  Shinsuke MATSUMOTO,  Masahide NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]IN2012-110
Sensor Data Message Transmissions to Randomly Mobile Sink Nodes

Toshiki TSURUMAKI,  Hiroaki HIGAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2012-111
Mobility Strategy of Dedicated Intermediate Nodes for QoS-based Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

Takayuki KINOUCHI,  Hiroaki HIGAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2012-112
Multi-orverlay networks for collecting sensor data

Shuhei KAJIMOTO,  Takuya ASAKA,  

[Paper #]IN2012-113
Trends of next-generation Web technology HTML5, and impact to content distribution service

Hidetaka KUWANO,  

[Paper #]IN2012-114,MoMuC2012-35
Research Trends of Wireless Mesh Networks and the Future

Makoto IKEDA,  

[Paper #]IN2012-115,MoMuC2012-36
Study of Applying Steiner Tree to Energy-Saving Routing

Hiroshi MATSUURA,  

[Paper #]IN2012-116
Performance Improvement of Fast-FACE Protocol

Tomokazu EZAKI,  Hiroaki HIGAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2012-117
A Performance Enhancement Method of Tor Circuit by Employing Flags Selection on Cooperative Relays

Timothy Girry KALE,  Satoshi OHZAHATA,  Toshihiko KATO,  

[Paper #]IN2012-118
Virtual Traffic Signals by Wireless Ad-Hoc Communications among Vehicle-Mounted Computers

Keisuke ABE,  Hiroaki HIGAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2012-119
Evaluation of data download service systems using public WLAN with user cooperation

Tatsuaki KIMURA,  Takashi OKUDA,  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI,  Xuejun TIAN,  

[Paper #]IN2012-120
A NAV Period Control for High Prioritized Channel Access in Wireless LAN

Yuta KUMAGAI,  Satoshi OHZAHATA,  Toshihiko KATO,  

[Paper #]IN2012-121


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Notice for photocopying


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