Communication-Information Networks(Date:2007/01/25)



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[Paper #]
File Switching Control for Video Playback in iSCSI Systems

Nasahito ISAMU,  Toyonori FUJIURA,  Yutaka ISHIBASHI,  

[Paper #]IN2006-162(2007-2)
Burst Transient performance Charasteristics of Microcontroller Collision Detection CSMA/CD Control Networks

Chuzo NINAGAWA,  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2006-163(2007-2)
Evaluation of selection method for aggregation sensing node in sensor networks with multi-layered structure

Tetsuji MATAYOSHI,  Shinji TAKAE,  Hitomi TAMURA,  Kenji KAWAHARA,  Yuji OIE,  

[Paper #]IN2006-164(2007-2)
Decomposition of Network Traffic in the Internet Exchange Point(JP-IX)

Masakya NISHIMOTO,  Hirokazu YODA,  Kazuo YAMA,  

[Paper #]IN2006-165(2007-2)
A proposal of assignment on OXC and L2/L3 Switch's Interfaces and its evaluation

Yasuyuki SOGA,  Shoichiro SENO,  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI,  Takashi OKUDA,  Xuejun X,  

[Paper #]IN2006-166(2007-2)
A probabilistic access control protocol for QoS in CDMA concidering the number of trasmission requests

Toshifumi KANGYO,  Kouich MUTSUURA,  Shiro HANDA,  Shinjiro OSHITA,  

[Paper #]IN2006-167(2007-2)
Dimensionality reduction of Markov chains with applications in size-based task assignment with cycle stealing

Takayuki OSOGAMI,  

[Paper #]IN2006-168(2007-2)
Transport-layer protocols for high-speed and long-delay networks

Go HASEGAWA,  Masayuki MURADA,  

[Paper #]IN2006-169(2007-2)
Report processing models on community security and those evaluations

Toshiaki Watanabe,  Tetsuo Ideguchi,  Takashi Okuda,  XueJun TIAN,  

[Paper #]IN2006-170(2007-2)
A modeling of interactions among agents on communitiy security and its avaluation

Masakazu KATSU,  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI,  Takeshi OKUDA,  Xuejun TIAM,  

[Paper #]IN2006-171(2007-2)
Analysis of spam email inter-arrival time characteristics, a case study

Takahisa ICHIKAWA,  Takashi OKUDA,  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI,  Xuejun TIAN,  

[Paper #]IN2006-172(2007-2)
Secure networling Platform for group-oriented eXchange

Takeshi YAGI,  Kunio HATO,  Masao TANABE,  Junichi MURAKAMI,  Katsuyasu TOYAMA,  Hiroyuki OHSAKI,  Makoto IMASE,  

[Paper #]IN2006-173(2007-2)
Estimation of Original Flow Distribution by using Difference Information from Sampled Flows

Hiroomi ISOZAKI,  Shingo ATA,  Ikuo OKA,  

[Paper #]IN2006-174(2007-2)
RENC : Recursive Estimation of Node Characteristics using Topological Structure of Complex Networks

Kouhei SUGIYAMA,  Hiroyuki OOSAKI,  Makoto IMASE,  

[Paper #]IN2006-175(2007-2)
A Note on Nonstationary Poisson Model with the Consideration of Change Factors

KOICHI Suzuki,  SHUNSUKE Horii,  TOSHIYASU Matsushima,  

[Paper #]IN2006-176(2007-2)
Inprovement on tearing down method for aggregated QoS path triggered by mobility event

Takako SANDA,  Toyoki UE,  Takashi ARAMAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2006-177(2007-2)
A proposal for routability test for route potimization with corespondent router

Jun HIRANO,  ChanWah NG,  PekYew TAN,  Takashi ARAMAKI,  

[Paper #]IN2006-178(2007-2)
A Study on communication method among HPNets and the selection of connection points

Masato FUKUI,  Xuejun TIAN,  Tetsuo IDEGUCHI,  Takashi OKUDA,  

[Paper #]IN2006-179(2007-2)
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