Communication-Electromagnetic Compatibility(Date:2018/05/25)

Basic examination of the quantity of temperature rise in the various kinds of condition bottoms of the living body phantom

Sota Takagi(NIT, Nagano College),  Takashi Kasuga(NIT, Nagano College),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2018-9
Study on Complex Permitting of Printed Circuit Board Material and Transmission Characteristics at GHz Band

Ren Kitahara(NIT,Nagano College),  Taiki Yamagiwa(NIT,Nagano College),  Masahiro Tomioka(Akita Univ.),  Atsushi Nakamura(UTI),  Hideki Takeuchi(Nagano Pref. General Industrial Tech Center),  Takashi Kasuga(NIT,Nagano College),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2018-7
A Study on Probabilistic Noise Models for Radiated Noise from LED Lights

Kenta Agari(NICT/Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  Kaoru Gotoh(NICT),  Yasushi Matsumoto(NICT),  Ryosuke Suga(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  Osamu Hashimoto(Aoyama Gakuin Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2018-8
Real Time Removal of Body Motion Noise in Wearable Electrocardiogram Signal using Stationary Wavelet Transform

Keisuke Koike(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.),  Daisuke Anzai(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.),  Jianqing Wang(Nagoya Inst. of Tech.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2018-10
Investigation for Radiated Immunity Testing Using White Gaussian Noise and Multitone

Katsushige Harima(NICT),  Daichi Akita(TOYO Corporation),  Tetsuya Nakamura(TOYO Corporation),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2018-6