Communication-Electromagnetic Compatibility(Date:2003/06/20)



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Study on Radio Transmission for 5.8GHz DSRC

Makoto TOYOTA,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  Masahiko WAKAI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-22
A Fundamental Study on the Composite Pavements with a Functionof Wave Absorption

Teppei AZUMA,  Kinji MASUDA,  Noriaki KOBAYASHI,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-23
The Radio Wave Absorbers used Resistive Film with Capacity

Toshifumi SAITO,  Koji TAKIZAWA,  Hiroshi KURIHARA,  Kyoichi FUJIMOTO,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-24
EM-Wave Absorber Based on Integrated Circuit Concept

Mitsuhiro AMANO,  Youji KOTSUKA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-25
Evaluation of Anisotropic Absorber Panels Considering the Reflection Axis

Yasuhiko SAKAI,  Hitoshi TOGAWA,  Kenichi HATAKEYAMA,  Kenji YAMAUCHI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-26
Electromagnetic Shielding Characteristics Evaluation Equipment of Conductive O-Rings and Permittivity Measurements by Ramped Element Circuit

Shinichiro YAMAMOTO,  Kenichi HATAKEYAMA,  Kenji YAMAUCHI,  Takeshi YAMADA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-27
Improvement of Insertion Loss by Dividing an EMI Ferrite Clamp

Yusuke DOWAKI,  Katsumi FUJII,  Yasushi MATHUMOTO,  Akira SUGIURA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-28
Determination of Antenna Factor through Antenna Impedance Measurements

Shinya KAKETA,  Katsumi FUJII,  Yasushi MATSUMOTO,  Yukio YAMANAKA,  Akira SUGIURA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-29
Reduction in radiated emission from multi-layer PCBs with two power and ground plane pairs

Satoru HAGA,  Ken NAKANO,  Osamu HASHIMOTO,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-30
Transmission Characteristics of a Four-Septum TEM Cell

Yoshimitsu SUGANUMA,  Fengchao XIAO,  Yoshio KAMI,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-31
Insertion and Conversion Loss Analysis of a Common Mode Chokes up to 1GHz by Four-port Chain Parameters Composed of Measured Two-port S-parameters

Yoshifumi SHIMOSHIO,  Osamu MAKINO,  Zhe Li,  David Pommerenke,  Thomas Van Doren,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-32
Formant Analysis System Test Bed for Identifying Electromagnetic Disturbance Sources

Fumihiko ISHIYAMA,  Kazuo MURAKAWA,  Hiroshi YAMANE,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-33
A Spectral Domain Analysis on a Spherical Standing Wave in Front of a Grounded Dielectric Slab

Takuya TAMADA,  Nozomu ISHII,  Michio MIYAKAWA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-34
A Measurement System for Three-Dimensional Electric Field in Automotive Environments

Yosihaki TARUSAWA,  Sadayuki NISHIKI,  Toshio NOJIMA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-35
A Statistical Analysis of Electromagnetic Environment in Human Head for In Vitro Exposure Experiment at 2GHz

Shigenori TANAKA,  Jianqing WANG,  Osamu FUJIWARA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-36
Realization of a Localized Exposure in the Infant Rat Head for 1.5GHz in vivo Study

Jianqing WANG,  Osamu FUJIWARA,  Toshio NOJIMA,  

[Paper #]EMCJ2003-37


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