Communication-Energy Engineering in Electronics and Communications(Date:2017/05/18)

[Poster Presentation] Continuity Condition on Single Conductor Transmission Line Model for Thin Wire Structures

Daiki Tashiro(Kyoto Univ.),  Takashi Hisakado(Kyoto Univ.),  Tohlu Matsushima(Kyoto Univ.),  Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-11
[Poster Presentation] Communication Quality of Ethernet in Relation to Parameters of Pulse Disturbance and Imbalance of Signal Transmission System

Sayaka Matsushima(Kyoto Univ.),  Tohlu Matsushima(Kyoto Univ.),  Takashi Hisakado(Kyoto Univ.),  Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-13
[Poster Presentation] Evaluation of RF Immunity of CAN-FD Transceivers during Data-frame Communication by Using DPI Method

Kohei Kawanishi(Kyoto Univ.),  Tohlu Matsushima(Kyoto Univ.),  Takashi Hisakado(Kyoto Univ.),  Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-12
[Poster Presentation] Electromagnetic Information Leakage Analysis of Cryptographic IC in Correlation Power Analysis

Yasunari Kumano(Okayama Univ.),  Yusuke Yano(Okayama Univ.),  Kengo Iokibe(Okayama Univ.),  Hiroto Kagotani(Okayama Univ.),  Yoshitaka Toyota(Okayama Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-10
[Poster Presentation] Fundamental Study on the Effect of Contact Condition at Gap of Transmission Line on Transmission Characteristic

Kenji Aihara(Tohoku Univ.),  Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST),  Takaaki Mizuki(Tohoku Univ.),  Hideaki Sone(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-8
[Poster Presentation] Transmission Characteristics of Band Pass Space Filter Using Metal Grid from Microwave to Millimeter Waves

Yuta Sugiyama(Univ. of Hyogo),  Shinichiro Yamamoto(Univ. of Hyogo),  Kenichi Hatakeyama(Univ. of Hyogo),  Takanori Tsutaoka(Hiroshima Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-15
[Poster Presentation] Evaluation of Secondary common-mode current Using Modal Equivalent Circuit in Four-conductor Transmission-line System

Ryota Irishika(Okayama Univ.),  Kengo Iokibe(Okayama Univ.),  Yoshitaka Toyota(Okayama Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-14
[Poster Presentation] A Method of Fault Detection in Encryption Device Based on Leaked EM Information from Adder Circuit

Naoto Saga(Tohoku Univ.),  Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST),  Takaaki Mizuki(Tohoku Univ.),  Hideaki Sone(Tohoku Univ.),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-9
Far field antenna factor calibration for ridged guide horn antenna using single antenna method

Satoru Kurokawa(AIST),  Masanobu Hirose(AIST),  Michitaka Ameya(AIST),  Yuanfeng She(AIST),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-7
Impact of LISN on EMI Filter Performance

Kangrong Li(Nanyang Technological University),  Kye Yak See(Nanyang Technological University),  

[Paper #]
Evaluation of Fibre Weaving of Substrate on Differential Transmission Lines

Eng Kee Chua(Nanyang Technological University),  Junwu Zhang(Nanyang Technological University),  Kye Yak See(Nanyang Technological University),  Wee Jin Koh(Nanyang Technological University),  Weng Yew Chang(Nanyang Technological University),  

[Paper #]
[Invited Talk] 2.5D Method of Modeling and Simulation for Signal/Power Integrity of High Speed Electronics

En-Xiao Liu(A*STAR IHPC),  Siping Gao(A*STAR IHPC),  Hui Min Lee(A*STAR IHPC),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-19
Common-Mode Noise Filter Design based on Defected Ground Structure (DGS) for Multilayer PCBs

Hui Min Lee(A*STAR IHPC),  Si-Ping Gao(A*STAR IHPC),  Richard Xian-Ke Gao(A*STAR IHPC),  En Xiao Liu(A*STAR IHPC),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-17
[Invited Talk] Towards High Speed and Less Interference: Virtual EMC Lab

Richard Xian-Ke Gao(A*STAR IHPC),  Huapeng Zhao(A*STAR IHPC),  Eng Kee Chua(A*STAR IHPC),  Binfang Wang(A*STAR IHPC),  Weijiang Zhao(A*STAR IHPC),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-20
Power Distribution Network Virtual Prototyping

Jun Wu Zhang(NTU),  Eng Kee Chua(NTU),  Kye Yak See(NTU),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-18
A Study on Design of Bent Differential-Paired Lines by Preference Set-based Design Method

Yoshiki Kayano(Univ. of Electro-Communications),  Yoshio Kami(Univ. of Electro-Communications),  Haruo Ishikawa(Univ. of Electro-Communications),  Fengchao Xiao(Univ. of Electro-Communications),  Hiroshi Inoue(Univ. of Electro-Communications),  

[Paper #]EMCJ2017-16