Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2014/10/23)



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[Paper #]
Report on ECOC2014 : Point-To-Point Transmission Systems

Yojiro MORI,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-41,OPE2014-85,LQE2014-59
Report on ECOC2014 : Optical Access


[Paper #]OCS2014-42,OPE2014-86,LQE2014-60
Report on ECOC2014 : Optical Networks

Xiaoyuan Cao,  Noboru Yoshikane,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-43,OPE2014-87,LQE2014-61
Report on ECOC 2014 : Optical fiber

Yusuke SASAKI,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-44,OPE2014-88,LQE2014-62
Report on ECOC 2014 : Passive Optical Modules/Devices


[Paper #]OCS2014-45,OPE2014-89,LQE2014-63
Report on ECOC2014 : Optical active devices


[Paper #]OCS2014-46,OPE2014-90,LQE2014-64
Quantum dot comb laser for simultaneously multi-peak generation

Katsuki WATANABE,  Naokatsu YAMAMOTO,  Kouichi AKAHANE,  Toshimasa UMEZAWA,  Tetsuya KAWANISHI,  Hiroshi TAKAI,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-47,OPE2014-91,LQE2014-65
Introducing Feedforward Control into Tunable Distributed Amplification DFB Lasers for Fast Wavelength Switching

Hirokazu Onji,  Yudai Tatsumoto,  Shota Takeuchi,  Nobuhiro Nunoya,  Makoto Shimokozono,  Hiroyuki Ishii,  Kazutoshi Kato,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-48,OPE2014-92,LQE2014-66
Bandwidth Enhancement by Exploiting Photon-Photon Resonance in Active Multimode Interferometer Laser Diode

Mohammad Nasir UDDIN,  Hong BINGZHOU,  Takuya KITANO,  Akio TAJIMA,  Kazutoshi KATO,  Kiichi HAMAMOTO,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-49,OPE2014-93,LQE2014-67
Studies on upper limit of all-optical semiconductor gate's cutoff frequency after optically accelerating more strongly, along with enhancing current injection rate for compensating for thus accelerated electron-hole recombination rate

Hajime Itagaki,  Yusuke Minamide,  Kazuyuki Nagahiro,  Jun Sakaguchi,  Yoshiyasu Ueno,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-50,OPE2014-94,LQE2014-68
Material gain analysis of GeSn/SiGeSn quantum wells based on many-body theory

T. Fujisawa,  K. Saitoh,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-51,OPE2014-95,LQE2014-69
Transmission Properties of FBG by FDTD

Angger Abdul RAZAK,  Mitsuhiro YOKOTA,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-52,OPE2014-96,LQE2014-70
BOR-FDTD analysis of Fresnel zone plate reflectors in visible light

Ryouta OGINO,  Junji YAMAUCHI,  Hisamatsu NAKANO,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-53,OPE2014-97,LQE2014-71
Numerical Examination on Reflection Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Periodic Structure

Kengo HAMAGUCHI,  Mitsuhiro YOKOTA,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-54,OPE2014-98,LQE2014-72
Fabrication for circular-core polymer waveguide doped with Eu-Al polymer composite and its application to compact optical amplifier

Marina MITANI,  Kenichi YAMASHITA,  Toshimi FUKUI,  Takaaki ISHIGURE,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-55,OPE2014-99,LQE2014-73
GI-core multimode polymer Crossed Optical Waveguides

Yutaro OIZUMI,  Takaaki ISHIGURE,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-56,OPE2014-100,LQE2014-74
Bend Loss Reduction of a Buried Waveguide Using Reflection Waves Generated from Cladding Interfaces

Baku YATABE,  Yuta NITO,  Junji YAMAUCHI,  Hisamatsu NAKANO,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-57,OPE2014-101,LQE2014-75
Gain Characteristics and Piezoelectric effect of 1550nm-Band QD-SOA Grown on InP(311)B Substrate for Ultra-Fast All-Optical Logic Gate Devices

Atsushi Matsumoto,  Yuki Takei,  Kouichi Akahane,  Hiroshi Ishikawa,  Yuichi Matsushima,  Katsuyuki Utaka,  

[Paper #]OCS2014-58,OPE2014-102,LQE2014-76
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