Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2012/11/15)



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[Paper #]
On Distribution of Certificate Revocation List Using Random Network Coding for VANET

Taisuke YAMAMOTO,  Tomoki MATSUKAWA,  Masanori HIROTOMO,  Masami MOHRI,  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-45
Gray scale two-dimensional code and its applications

Keisuke FURUMOTO,  Yuhei WATANABE,  Masakatu MORII,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-46
An analytical study for sensor service provider to keep their use's security

Takamichi ASO,  Atsuhiro GOTO,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-47
Packer Identification Based on Binary Code of Malware Using Machine Learning

Ryoichi ISAWA,  Tao BAN,  Daisuke INOUE,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-48
Malicious Traffic Detection based on Multimodal Analysis

Takahiro KASAMA,  Masashi ETO,  Daisuke INOUE,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-49
Evaluation of Probabilistic Packet Marking Methods using Arrival Probabilisity of Marked Packets

Nasato GOTO,  Akira KANAOKA,  Masayuki OKADA,  Eiji OKAMOTO,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-50
Proposal of a network design support system for risk mitigation against inside attacks

Hirokazu HASEGAWA,  Ray ATARASHI,  Masahiko KATO,  Yukiko YAMAGUCHI,  Hirofumi YAMAKI,  Hiroki TAKAKURA,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-51
A Framework for Issuing AIK Certificate for Two-Factor Authentication by TPM and Its Support System

Akihito SHINODA,  Masami MOHRI,  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI,  Ryoji NOGUCHI,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-52
Implementation and Evaluation of a File Sharing Service with File Name Encryption using CP-ABE

Megumi GOTO,  Toshihiro OHIGASHI,  Kouji NISHIMURA,  Reiji AIBARA,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-53
On the Sense of Security for Registering Privacy Information to Return Refugee Supporting System

Kaori OKUMURA,  Yoshiaki SHIRAISHI,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-54
Implementation and Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Epidemic Analysis System

Tomoki SATO,  Hiroaki KIKUCHI,  Jun SAKUMA,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-55
Are measures against SSL/TLS sites dependent on the category which that site belongs? : obtained by crawling of renegotiation functions and RSA key lengths

Yuji SUGA,  

[Paper #]ICSS2012-56


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