Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2007/12/13)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Widely Linear DLS Equalizer Based on the Training Mode

Shinichiro TSURU,  Toshihiro FURUKAWA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-112
Adaptive Reduced-Rank MMSE filter for DS/CDMA Communication System

Hironobu TANIGUCHI,  Tsuyoshi ICHIKAWA,  Kohei OTAKE,  Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-113
Low Complexity Reduced-Rank MMSE Equalization for Antenna Array BS/CDMA Communication System

Satoshi KAWASHIMO,  Tsuyoshi ICHIKAWA,  Kohei OTAKE,  Noriyoshi KUROYANAGI,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-114
Adaptive array antenna system with the compensation for the Doppler Shift in SOFDM

Junpei TAKAGI,  Toshihiro FURUKAWA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-115
Channel estimation via kalman filterin the OFDM systems under multipath environments

Ryohei FURUNO,  Nari TANABE,  Toshihiro FURUKAWA,  Junhui CHAO,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-116
A time resolution improvement scheme for fading estimation on OFDM


[Paper #]RCS2007-117
A Received Block Division Technique with SC/MMSE Turbo Equalization under Fast Fading Environments

Keiichi KAMBARA,  Hiroshi NISHIMOTO,  Toshihiko NISHIMURA,  Takeo OHGANE,  Yasutaka OGAWA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-118
Subcarrier Allocation for a 2-Hop OFDMA Virtual Cellular Network

Hitoshi ISHIDA,  Eisuke KUDOH,  Fumiyuki ADACHI,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-119
Theoretical Analysis of Error Rate versus Number of Hops in Cooperative Multi-hop Wireless Networks

Hidekazu MURATA,  Yuji OISHI,  Koji YAMAMOTO,  Susumu YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-120
Analysis and Experiments of Maximum Throughput in Wireless Multi-hop Networks

Masahiko INABA,  Yoshihiro TOMITA,  Masaki MATSUMOTO,  Hiroo SEKIYA,  Takashi YAHAGI,  Shiro SAKATA,  Kengo YAGYU,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-121
Status and trends of GNSS

Isao KAWANO,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-122
A Study of Forward Error Correction for Energy Detected PPM-UWB Communications

Koji ISHIBASHI,  Hideki OCHIAI,  Koji ISHII,  Ryuji KOHNO,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-123
Ultra-Wideband Communication and Ranging System Using Synthesized Template Waveform

Kentaro TANIGUCHI,  Ryuji KOHNO,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-124
A note on EXIT analysis for distributed encoding and joint decoding of correlated sources

Kentaro KOBAYASHI,  Takaya YAMAZATO,  Masaaki KATAYAMA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-125
On Index of Spectrum Use Efficiency with Space Domain Multiplexing in Account : Concept Proposal of "Information Flux" and "Information Flux Density"

Makoto TAROMARU,  Kazuto YANO,  Satoshi TSUKAMOTO,  Shoichi KITAZAWA,  Amane MIURA,  Masazumi UEBA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-126
Evaluation and Improvement of Wireless Communication Access Protocol ARIB STD-T67 in case of Many Terminals

Yasushi FUWA,  Hernan AGUIRRE,  Hiroyuki ODA,  Tomohiro TAKEDA,  Kaori FUWA,  Eiki MOTOYAMA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-127
On a Packet Restraint Protocol in case of Children Gathering for a Regional Protection System using a Wireless Network

Yasushi FUWA,  Hernan AGUIRRE,  Masashi MIYAGI,  Naoya NISHIWAKI,  Eiki MOTOYAMA,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-128
Cooperative Relaying Technique Using TSTD Scheme with Code Combining for Multihop Wireless Communications

Masahiro TSUZAKA,  Hong ZHOU,  

[Paper #]RCS2007-129
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