Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2004/10/29)



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Self-pulsation and sub-harmonic optical injection locking using multi-electrode DFB lasers

Mitsunobu GOTODA,  Satoshi NISHIKAWA,  Tetsuya NISHIMURA,  Yasunori TOKUDA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-93,OPE2004-158,LQE2004-102
40-Gb/s Optical Clock Recovery Using an Injection-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator

Hidemi TSUCHIDA,  Maoki Suzuki,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-94,OPE2004-159,LQE2004-103
A numerical study on the stability of pulse generation in harmonic mode-locked fiber ring lasers : effect of optical bandpass filter

Yuya ISHIDA,  Joji MAEDA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-95,OPE2004-160,LQE2004-104
Short pulse generation by using a LiNbO_3 phase and intensity integrated modulator with a low half-wave voltage

F. Futami,  M. Doi,  M. Sugiyama,  H. Onaka,  S. Watanabe,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-96,OPE2004-161,LQE2004-105
Study on highly spectrally-efficient WDM transmission using bandlimited RZ DQPSK signal

Noboru YOSHIKANE,  Itsuro MORITA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-97,OPE2004-162,LQE2004-106
4 x 40 Gbit/s Dense WDM Transmission Experiment Using Directly Modulated DFB Lasers

Kenji SATO,  Shoichiro KUWAHARA,  Yutaka MIYAMOTO,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-98,OPE2004-163,LQE2004-107
High performance optical transmission line using remotely pumped optical amplification

Toshiharu Ito,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-99,OPE2004-164,LQE2004-108
Hybrid fiber amplifiers consisting of cascaded TDFA and EDFA

Tadashi Sakamoto,  Shin-ichi Aozasa,  Makoto Yamada,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-100,OPE2004-165,LQE2004-109
Wide range tuning of fluoride-based Ce:Er-codoped fiber laser in 1.55 micron

Nilesh Vasa,  Satoshi Nagaoka,  Tatsuo Okada,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-101,OPE2004-166,LQE2004-110
Second-harmonic generation from poled side-tunnel fiber and quasi phase matching by depoling with excimer-laser exposure

Takeshi Miyazaki,  Takahiro Tsukada,  Toru Mizunami,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-102,OPE2004-167,LQE2004-111
Demonstration of interferometric optical isolator operated in unidirectional external magnetic field

Hideki YOKOI,  Yuya SHOJI,  Etsu SHIN,  Tetsuya MIZUMOTO,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-103,OPE2004-168,LQE2004-112
Condensing Properties of a Scattered Gaussian Beam by a Cylindrical Lens

Kunihiro AOYAMA,  Mitsuhiro YOKOTA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-104,OPE2004-169,LQE2004-113
Numerical analyses of all-optical ultra-fast 3R regenerators using the cascaded second-order nonlinear effect in quasi-phase matched lithium niobate devices

Yoshito KACHITA,  Yutaka FUKUCHI,  Masami AKAIKE,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-105,OPE2004-170,LQE2004-114
Characteristics of all-optical signal regeneration by using interferometric all-optical switches : Expected performance of isolated and cascaded all-optical regenerators

Ryosuke KURIBAYASHI,  Shigeru NAKAMURA,  Yoichi HASHIMOTO,  Ichiro OGURA,  Kazuhito TAJIMA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-106,OPE2004-171,LQE2004-115
Field trial of all-optical 2R regeneration in 40Gbit/s WDM transmission systems with optical add/drop multiplexing

Shuichi Satomi,  Mikio Yagi,  Shiro Ryu,  Shoichiro Asano,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-107,OPE2004-172,LQE2004-116
160 Gbps 3R Regeneration Using NOLM and Mode-Locked Laser Diodes

Shin ARAHIRA,  Hitoshi MURAI,  Kouzou FUJII,  Yoh OGAWA,  

[Paper #]OCS2004-108,OPE2004-173,LQE2004-117


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