Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2004/01/15)



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[Paper #]
Estimation Method for Driving Risk from Hazard Information

Hiroyuki KONISHI,  Mitsuteru KOKUBUN,  Kazunori HIGUCHI,  Tetsuro KURAHASHI,  Yoshiyuki UMEMURA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-30,HIP2003-100,WIT2003-25
A Study about the Evaluation Method for Safe Driving while Following

Yuji Matsuki,  Kazunori Shidoji,  Katsuya Matsunaga,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-31,HIP2003-101,WIT2003-26
A Driver Support System for Safe Driving

Katsuya Matsunga,  Kazunori Shidoji,  Yuji Matsuki,  Kazuaki Goshi,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-32,HIP2003-102,WIT2003-27
A Study about the Safe Driving Advice System Using the Driving Simulator

Takayuki Matsuo,  Katsuya Matsunaga,  Kazunori Shidoji,  Yuji Matsuki,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-33,HIP2003-103,WIT2003-28
Driving Behavior at Occupational Driving

Satoshi Watanabe,  Katsuya Matsunaga,  Kazunori Shidoji,  Yuji Matsuki,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-34,HIP2003-104,WIT2003-29
Continuous estimation of workload while driving : An Applied study of Random number generation task

Fumihiko ITAGAKI,  Asako YODA,  Hiroyuki YOSHIDA,  Nobuyuki WATANABE,  Yuka KANEKO,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-35,HIP2003-105,WIT2003-30
Effect of Workload on Driver : psychophysiological Approach

Yasuhiro KITAMURA,  Toshiteru HATAYAMA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-36,HIP2003-106,WIT2003-31
Researches on the usability of the interface system for driving control of a car

Masakazu Nakayama,  Katsuya Matsunaga,  Kazunori Shidoji,  Yuji Matsuki,  Hiroyuki Yokota,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-37,HIP2003-107,WIT2003-32
Process analyses on the formation of mental models applicable to two car navigation systems

Yuuya Yamanaka,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-38,HIP2003-108,WIT2003-33
Human-error Prevention for the Flight Operation under Severe Time Constraint

Shinsaku Kawabe,  Daisuke Karikawa,  Akira Ishibashi,  Makoto Takahashi,  Masaharu Kitamura,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-39,HIP2003-109,WIT2003-34
Cognitive experiments and evaluation using virtual space environment(自動車・交通におけるコミュニケーション&インターフェース : 人にやさしい交通をめざして)

Kazuhiro Tamura,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-40,HIP2003-110,WIT2003-35
The New Method for Making Tactile Maps Based on the Human Sense Characteristics

Misa Grace Kwok,  Tadahiko Fukuda,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-41,HIP2003-111,WIT2003-36


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