Communication-Communication Systems(Date:2003/10/31)



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Psychophysical relationship involved in the recognition of facial expressions of emotion : Study using the Affect Grid

Nobuyuki WATANABE,  Aki MAEDA,  Hiroshi YAMADA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-20
The relationship between the conversation style and the nonverbal behavioral cues in a triadic interaction situation

Manabu GOTO,  Ikuo DAIBO,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-21
The influence on a user when occuring self-disclosure from a life-like agent and conveyance of self-disclosure to a third-party

Satoshi V. SUZUKI,  Seiji YAMADA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-22
Evaluation of network perturbation influence on videoconference-based lectures and solutions to those problems

David Raymond,  Kazuhide Kanenishi,  Kenji Matsuura,  Yoneo Yano,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-23
Monitoring of Interpreter's Video Image in Remote Sign Language Interpretation System for a Lecture Scene

Ichiro NAITO,  Hiroshi MURAKAMI,  Nobuko KATO,  Hiroki MINAGAWA,  Yasushi ISHIHARA,  Tomoyuki Nishioka,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-24
The effects of nodding on impression formation in while conversation members are speaking : The role of nonverbal behaviors in a triadic communication

Yukiko ISO,  Masanori KIMURA,  Akiko SAKURAGI,  Ikuo DAIBO,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-25
The Effects of Balance in the Amount of Conversational Utterance on the Impressions of the Partner and the Conversation

Kazumi OGAWA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-26
The Influence of Anthropomorphic Agent on the Mental-model : An Investigation Using Reading-aloud Task

Masashi KOMORI,  Akemi SHIBASAKI,  Chika NAGAOKA,  Toshie NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-27
Modeling of Human Skin Color Space with Counter Propagation Network

Hirokazu MADOKORO,  Kazuhito SATO,  Masaki ISHII,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-28
Sign Word Formation for Medical Terms

Kazuo KAMATA,  Minako KIKUCHI,  Kayoko KIKUCHI,  Yumi TOJOH,  

[Paper #]HCS2003-29


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